Karaoke drama: 12

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It was their last day camping and they decided to check out the local town. However, Amane could not stop thinking of the day previously. Every time he thought about how close they were... their lips, close to touching... Amane's heart hammered in his chest in a strange rhythm every time he thought about her.

No! I don't!

Yet he couldn't help but stare. As they walked along the cobbled path, he watched as Nene laughed and talked with a smile plastered on her face. They walked to the harbour and went through all the shops in the small town, then decided to stop at a restaurant for some lunch.

They chose one of the restaurant's benches outside on the balcony and sat down. As they looked through the menus and drinks, Nene spoke up.

"This town is lovely!" Nene said as she admired the lake below them. The restaurant they were at, was on the edge of a small river running through the town. They even have a little boat you can go on to do a loop around town through the river. "Ohh, should we go on the boat after lunch?" Nene asked.

Amane watched her talk, her cherry-red lips shining in the sun, making the feeling return.

"Oh, good idea Nene!" Mei said.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun!" Aoi agreed.

"Sure sounds good," Akane said.

They turned to look at Amane for his reply and steered himself away from looking at Nene. "Sure, I don't mind."

"Anyways, does everyone know what they want to order?" Aoi asked, putting her menu down on the table.

"Yep!" Mei said.

"We can just order online, right?" Akane asked, pulling out his phone.

"Yeah, I think so," Amane said, doing the same.

They all decided to order from their phones and put in their table number so they knew where to bring their food and drinks.

"Ahh, I'm starving!" Nene exclaimed, resting her head in her arms on the table, feeling the warmth of the sun on her head.

The 5 of them, chatted about the day so far before their drinks came. They all just ordered a cola.
Amane watched as Nene tapped her fingernails against the glass of her drink, and looked out to the river. Amane felt warmth looking at her.

"Here's your food!" One of the staff came over, bringing a tray of food.

"Thank you!!" Mei said excitedly.

The others thanked them too and began eating.

After they ate, they decided to go on the riverboat. They paid for tickets and went on. They went onto the top floor and sat next to the open side leaning through to look at the water below them. The boat was small and had tables inside where they sat. You could order a hot or cold drink while you are there. They all ordered hot chocolate.

The scenery was lovely, as they watched the overhanging trees and flowers come past them.

"What else could we do later?" Nene asked in a hum.

Mei scrolled through her phone as she sipped her drink and perked up. "I just found that there's a karaoke place here in town!" We could go there before heading back to the campsite tonight?" Mei suggested.

"Ooh sounds like fun!" Aoi said happily.

"That's a great idea!" Nene said excitedly.

"Sounds good." Akane agreed.

Amane nodded in agreement.

So after they got off the boat, Mei led them over to the Karaoke place downtown. They entered and greeted a bubbly woman at the counter at the front and went inside.

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