Having fun! : 6

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(A/N) : Song name: S&M - Rihanna (The you tube video is from my old editing account! I made the video! Please excuse how cringe my yt account is 😭 Anyways enjoy!)


It has been a whole month now. Nothing really happened. Except...

"Hey! Yashiro, are you ready yet?" Amane shouted through the door as he knocked, waiting for her outside her dorm.

"Yeah, shut up a second!" Nene shouted back. The door opened to reveal Nene trying to put her left shoe on her foot at the same time as opening the door and grabbing her phone.

"Seriously?" Amane asked as she managed to get her shoe on and stand up straight.

"What? I'm ready now. Let's go." She said, stepping out of her dorm and locking the door.

They were both on their way downstairs to meet Aoi, Mei, Akane, and Kou. Nene and Amane's dorms are both on the same floor, unlike the others.

"We're late..." Amane mumbled.

"Oh, shut up. Only for 5 minutes." Nene said as they got to the stairs.

Once they got downstairs, they met with their friends and made their way to the theme park.

"This is going to be so fun!" Mei said, throwing her arms in the air and stretching as they walked.

"Yep!" Aoi said, smiling.

Once they got to the fair, they entered and decided to go on some of the rides first. While Akane, Kou, and Mei disappeared to go on a spinning upside down ride, Aoi, Nene, and Amane stayed behind.

"Nene, why don't we go on this one?" Aoi said, pointing at one of the roller coasters that go upside down and do loops.

"Oh uh, no, I'm kind of tired right now, sorry, Aoi. Maybe Mei will go on with you." Nene said, looking clearly sick at the sight of the roller coaster.

"Ah, okay, Nene. That's fine!" Aoi said, disappearing to find Mei.

Amane sat next to Nene, leaning in close to her ear. "I don't think you're tired. I think you're too scared of it." Amane whispered.

Nene's face went red, and she pushed Amane away. "W-what? No! I'm not scared of it!" She protested.

Amane tilted his head. "Oh yeah?"

Nene didn't say anything but looked away from him.

"Whatever, Amane." Nene said, clearly flustered.

The two waited for the others to get back, and they all sat on a bench. After eating food and chatting for a while, everyone decided to go on the Ferris wheel. Nene, Mei, and Aoi went in one carriage, and Amane, Kou, and Akane in another. 

"Woah, look!" Kou said, standing up and standing at the door, window of the carriage. Amane and Akane stood up to look. They could see all the other rides and the lights and stands.

"Woah..." Amane whispered.

After getting off the ferris wheel, Amane, Akane, and Kou joined the girls.

"Guys, I have a fun idea!" Nene said, smiling.

"What's up, Nene?" Aoi asked.

"What is it?" Mei asked.

"Today, would any of you wanna come round my house for a sleepover?! I was thinking about making doughnuts!" Nene suggested excitedly.

"Oh my gosh, yes!!" Aoi said.

"Me too!" Mei added.

The boys all looked at each other, then back at Nene.

"I meant all of you!" Nene added laughing.

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