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Nene sat on her bed in silence. 

Just friends... I shouldn't feel so sad... we're not fighting anymore and we'll just go back to being friends as always...

Nene sighed. 

Then why does it hurt so much...

Nene thought. it wasn't long since Amane had left and his words had struck a chord within her.

I like Amane more than I thought...


While Nene was walking down the hall to her history class, she happened to of course, bump into Amane.

"O-oh. Hey." Nene said moving out the way.

"Hey... um, have you got history now, Yashiro?" Amane asked.

Oh, yeah I do." Nene responded.

"Okay, would you walk with me?" He asked, hopeful.

"S-sure." Nene said and turning to walk next to him.

They barely spoke  as they walked except they shared a few awkward glances. However, as Nene was walking she felt her foot get caught by something and she tripped.



Nene opened her eyes to find herself on the ground against the wall, the metal bin next to her toppled over. Her eyes crinkled from the pain as the fall when she looked up.

"Hey, Yashiro! Are you okay?!" Amane asked worried, seeing the graze on her knees.

"Oww..." Some tears formed from her eyes not only in pain but from embarrassment.

"HAHAHA! You're ankles really get in the way! Maybe you should leave so they don't get in the way of anyone else just trying to walk down the hall!" A snarky voice called from behind Amane.

Amane had turned around, only to see Ookami stood their smiling.

"YOU-!" Amane grabbed him by the shirt slamming him against one of the grey locker doors in the hallway. "YOU HURT YASHIRO!" Amane shouted in his face with anger.

Nene was still on the ground watching in shock.

"Ooh really?" Ookami said with a sickening smirk.

"Why won't you just leave me alone! All you want is people's attention and it's pathetic!" Nene shouted at him.

Ookami had pulled off Amane's hand and reached towards Yashiro. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her.


"YOU BITCH-" Ookami shouted and yanked her up, raising his other hand. Before his hand was able to hit her however, Amane had grabbed him. He pulled him off and shoved him to the ground.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" He screamed at him, his face contorted and red with pure anger.

And then, Nene watched as Amane grabbed him and punched him.

"A-Amane!" Nene shouted.

"C'mon! Let's go, Yashiro!" Amane shouted and grabbed her hand.

The two managed to stay away from Ookami, also from Amane sending the boy deathly glares.

By the end of the day, Amane was checking she was okay.

"I-I'm fine, Amane! I promise!" Nene said reassuring him.

"Alright. If there's any problem please tell me." He said.

"I will!"

Once the two got back to their dorms, Nene thought about what Amane did for her today. She was honestly terrified of what Ookami would do, but Amane literally saved her. And what he said yesterday.


"No... No that's not right..." Nene whispered.

"I need  to tell him..." Nene said.

Nene ran out of her dorm and across the balcony. Her heart rate felt faster than ever and her face burned like fire. "Amane!" He let her in and she burst into his dorm.

"I don't want to be friends!"



SORRY THIS IS GOING QUICK!! This story really is about to come to a close so I want to thank you so much for reading this story, I really appreciated it! - Tehya!

"I loathe you"  AmaneneWhere stories live. Discover now