Burning jealousy: 15

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As Nene sat eating with Akari, she couldn't help but feel incredibly uninterested. Akari was a nice guy, and actually Nene's type, and while she was really happy knowing that, she didn't feel romantically interested in him. All she could think about was Amane.

"I... I can tell you're not very interested in me the same way I like you." Akari spoke, swirling his straw through the cubes of ice in his drink. Yet he was smiling. A calm smile was plastered on his face.

"H-huh? What do you mean?" Nene asked.

"Honestly, I like you a lot Yashiro. But, I can already tell that you like someone else." Akari smiled.

"I... I'm sorry... I'm not sure if I like them like that or not..." Nene mumbled. "I just get really nervous around them now and I don't know... They'd never like me that way... We used to despise each other actually..." Nene said sadly.

Akari listened carefully and thought for a moment before responding. "I think... The fact you're doubting you see them as just a friend means you must feel something more than that. You won't know how they'll feel about you until you confess right? Like how I confessed to you. I wouldn't know what you truly felt until I asked. And there is no way, that this person couldn't fall for you." Akari said and smiled brushing his cobalt blue fringe out of his lightly colored eyes slightly.

Nene smiled. "Thank you, Akari." 

"No problem, Nene." 


'I think... I like Amane...'


Aoi's voice shouted through Nene's phone as she paced around her dorm.


Aoi mumbled. 

'I'm so glad you've realized!'


'Yeah! It was sooo obvious you like each other but was too stubborn to do anything about it when you guys quote on quote "hated each other" '

Aoi laughed.

'To be honest, I really did hate him. But... I don't know... Since we've become better friends, I thought that he might actually care about me more... And... Ugh, I don't know! I just like him!'

'I don't think you have anything to worry about, Nene! I'm 90% certain Amane likes you back!'


'Oh, c'mon! It's always been so obvious he likes you!'

'I don't know...'

'C'mon Nene! Although, the chance of him confessing is pretty low at the moment. He's way too stubborn about it. We'll just have to push him to do it!'

'What? How?'


'Jealousy? But how are we going to see if he actually likes me from jealousy?'

'Leave it to me! I've got an idea!'


"I'm so sorry Akari! I didn't want to drag you into this!" Nene said bowing her head.

Currently, Nene was apologizing for Aoi asking him to help them find out Amane's true feelings. They were, at the moment in a closed mall. A large cafeteria to be exact.

"Please, don't worry about it Nene!" Akari insisted smiling.

"So- you guys know the plan right?" Aoi asked.

"I loathe you"  AmaneneWhere stories live. Discover now