Finale : 18

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There was a knock on Amane's door so he went to open it, only to see Nene standing there out of breath before bursting into the room and closing the door.

"Amane!" Nene shouted, her face bright red. "I don't want to be friends!" 

Amane's heart dropped in his stomach. "What?"

"Wait! No I mean-" Nene tried to explain what she meant but ultimately failed.

"You don't want to be friends either?" Amane asked sadly.

"No! I mean- I- Amane!" Nene shouted and walked towards him.

"I- uh" Amane stuttered.

"I like you, Amane!"

Yashiro... likes me? She likes me?!

"I like you, really! I like you, Amane Yugi!" Nene's face turned a deep red as she blushed scarlet. "It's just- I liked you for a while, and then when you told me you liked me back in high school, I realized how much I liked you! And today! When Ookami tried to hurt me and you protected me- I just really- I like you! Amane!"

All Amane could feel was his heart beating faster than ever and the beats so loud they filled his head.

"I- Yashiro! I like you too!" Amane had grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Y-you do?" Nene asked.

"YES! I have ever since we started studying together! When I saw you in that 7 eleven after all this time I thought about how I'd stop myself from falling for you again but I couldn't help it! I really like you too, Yashiro!" Amane confessed.

Nene took his hands from his shoulders and wrapped her own arms around his neck. She hugged him and smiled. "I'm so glad!" She said. 

Amane stood frozen in surprise from the hug, however, his eyes softened as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into the hug as well. "me too." He mumbled. "oh, Yashiro? I don't think we established this but, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, embarrassed.

"Girlfrie- YES OF COURSE!" Nene shouted and laughed.

"Thank you..." Amane mumbled.


The two of them didn't tell their friends that they were dating yet. It had only been two days since, and they went back to normal. Their friends however, didn't know yet.

"I wanna tell Aoi and Mei!" Nene said as she sat in Amane's dorm on the floor bored.

"You can if you really want to." Amane said embarrassed, his face flushed red. They still found it awkward sometimes when they remember that they're a couple now.

"I don't want to if you don't." Nene said turning to him.

"Yashiro, it's fine! I was gonna tell Akane , Kou and Tsukasa myself anyways. So you're welcome to tell Aoi and Mei before Tsukasa gets to them." Amane explained handing her a drink.

"okay, I'm meeting up with them tomorrow anyways." Nene said.

"Oh where?" Amane asked sitting down.

"Just the park. We haven't done that in a while." Nene replied.

"cool." Amane responded simply.

Amane watched as Nene texted her friends on her phone.

"Oh, wait! Mei said that Akane, Kou, Mitsuba and Akari are going to come along anyways! They said for me to invite you too, Amane!" Nene exclaimed looking up from her phone.

"Oh- really? Sure." Amane agreed.


Nene went over to meet Amane outside his dorm and began walking over to the park. It was a gorgeous sunny day, unlike the day of the storm, the sun shined down warmth on them as they walked. After about 10 minutes, they got to the entrance of the park.

"Let's go!" Nene called out.

Amane followed close behind.

As they were walking, they saw their friends, Akane, Kou, Mitsuba, Aoi, Mei and Akari, sat around a bench.

"Oh! Hey, Nene!" Aoi called and waved. 

"Oh! Hey Ao-"

"AHHHH WHAT?!!" Their friends shouted to see Amane grab Yashiro and pull her in for a kiss, cutting her off from replying.

"AMANE!" Nene shouted red with embarrassment.

"Oh- sorry cannot I not kiss my girlfriend?~" Amane smirked and let go of her.

"YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!" Mei shouted.

"So you finally manned  up and confe-" Akane started before getting elbowed in the arm by Amane.

"YOU'RE DATING NOW?!" Aoi asked them.

"Yeah..." Nene said looked away, embarrassed.

"Congrats!" Akari spoke and smiled.

"Thanks!" Nene replied and grinned.

"That's great, Amane!" Kou said and hit him on the back gently.

"The daikon managed to get a boyfri-" Mitsuba started before Nene smacked him around the head.

"Hmm Aoi?" Akane had turned to look at her.

"Yep!" Aoi smiled and walked over to Akane, grabbing his arm. "Me and Akane started dating too!"

"WHAT?!" This time it was Nene's turn to shout.

"Now we can actually go on a double date for real!" Aoi exclaimed with glee.

"That's great, Aoi!" Nene told her friend.

"HEYYY!!! YOU GUYS CAN'T HAVE A COUPLE REUNION WITHOUT ME AND SAKURAAA!!!" Tsukasa had ran over, dragging poor Sakura with him.

"We're not dating." Sakura said with a sigh.


Amane smacked his twin on the head.

"Tsukasa..." Amane mumbled annoyed. His face was bright red.

"HAHAHA!!! Just kidding Amaneee!!! OR am I?" Tsukasa grinned.

"So where are we going to go for a double date, Nene?!" Aoi asked excitedly.

"A-Aoi- I don't know." Nene smiled.

And so, the group of friends chatted and argued happily in the park for a little while longer, before deciding where they'd have a double date, as Nene leaned her head on Amane's shoulders and smiled.

---------- The END -----------

[A/N] - 

I want to thank you all so much for reading this story! I did't expect anyone to see this book but seeing people react and comment on it actually made me really happy :') This definitely isn't my best story and it was definitely cringe worthy at some points however, it was so much fun to write! Thank you for joining me this past month as I wrote this story I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! However, there's still a new story coming so get ready for it! Love you all!!

-Tehya <33 

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