''I'm scared of thunder.'' : 7

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A couple of days after Nene and her friends stayed over at her house, Nene was checking the weather for the day and realized there was a 90% chance of thunder and lightning.

I could go stay at home instead just for tonight..?

Nene thought about it for a second before thinking,
No! I need to deal with it myself. I can't get scared again. It's just thunder!

Nene internally argued with herself all day as she went to classes.

I'll. Be. Fine...

Nene thought as she entered her class.

"Hey! Radish!" Ookami shouted.

Not him again...

"Didn't you get the message last time? Stay away from me." Nene said, walking past him. She sat down next to Aoi and sighed.

"Are you okay, Nene? Y'know, I still can't believe how rude Ookami is - you should have told me how he was treating you earlier!" Aoi said, frowning.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Aoi..." Nene replied.

"Don't worry about it, Nene. Oh, isn't it supposed to be thundering later today? Are you going to be okay, Nene?" Aoi asked concern in her eyes.

"I'll be fine..." Nene replied, but her voice clearly gave her away.

Aoi smiled slightly before class started.


"Hey! Nene!" A voice shouted behind her as she left her class.

"Hm?" She said, turning around to see Amane's twin, Tsukasa. "Oh, hey Tsukasa." Nene said.

"Have you and Amane kissed yet?" Tsukasa said, grinning.

"HUH?" Nene said, shocked.

"Have you and Amane ki-"

"I HEARD WHAT YOU SAID!" Nene shouted.

Tsukasa started laughing. "Well, have you?~" Tsukasa asked.

"No, of course not!" Nene protested her face red. "Why are you even asking?" Nene asked.

"Cause Amane likes -"
Tsukasa was cut off by someone's hands covering his mouth, preventing him from talking.

"Tsukasa, what are you doing?" Amane asked, releasing his hands from his mouth.

"Hey, Amane! I was just asking Nene if you've kissed yet!"

"WHAT?!" Amane shouted.

"Oh well! Gotta go! Bye-bye, Nene and Amane!" Tsukasa shouted, running off.

"That, Tsukasa..." Amane muttered, cursing under his breath.

"We better go now..." Nene said, turning to him but noticing how red Amane's face was. "Hey, are you okay, Amane? Your face is red." Nene asked.

"Huh? O-oh yeah, I'm fine." Amane replied.

"Let's go then!" Nene said, smiling.


After getting back to the dorms, nighttime fell, and the thunder could be heard from outside. Nene tried to ignore it, but she couldn't she yelped in fear every time a loud noise of thunder struck. In the end, Nene couldn't bear it and got up running out of her dorm outside. It was even louder, but Nene just wanted to run past it. Nene banged on the door in fear when Amane opened it, confused.

"Can I come in?" Nene asked, her lips trembling when a loud noise struck behind her. Nene shouted and ran at Amane.

"I uh- Amane said startled as he shut the door, looking down at the girl that was clinging to him in fear. "Are you okay, Yashiro?" He asked.

Nene whispered something inaudible, so he asked again.

"What was that?" He asked.

"I'm scared of thunder."

"I see..." Amane replied, not so sure what to do. He pulled her over onto his bed and sat her down. Amane attempted comforting her for a while. "It's okay..." He'd whisper over and over.
After a while, Nene fell asleep on him...


What am I supposed to do?

Amane thought, panicking as Nene fell asleep on him.

I could take her back to her dorm?

Amane thought but shook away the idea.

She'd wake up, and I don't want her to get scared again...

He thought and pulled a blanket over them. He ended up deciding to just let her sleep there. After a while of just sitting there and occasionally running his fingers through her hair. Amane fell asleep...


Nene's eyes slowly opened as she tried sitting up, only to feel arms around her stopping her from moving.

What the?

Nene thought as she looked up to see Amane, asleep with his arms wrapped around her, Nene was laying on top of him. In shock, Nene sat up and tried to take Amane's arms off of her. 

"Amane... wake up!" Nene said shaking him.

"Huh?" Amane said opening his eyes slowly to see himself holding onto Nene. "Oh, sorry-" Amane said letting go.

"It's fine." Nene replied and stood up. "I didn't mean to fall asleep here. Sorry about that." Nene apologized, embarrassed. 

"It's fine." Amane said simply.

"Okay, well I'm going to head to my dorm now, so I'll talk to you later." Nene said smiling at him as she put her shoes on and walked to the door.

"Alright." Amane said following her over to the door and unlocking it.

As Nene stepped out of the dorm, she turned around to smile at him one last time. 

"Thank you Amane." Nene said before turning on her heel, and walking back to her own dorm.


I'm so so SO SORRY- that this chapter is so short- I didn't really want to add parts of the plans I had for other chapters into this so I kept it short. Anyways, come back to read the next chapter soon! 

- Tehya <3 

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