A cave trip!: 11

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After what happened yesterday after dinner and at the beach earlier, Nene was still feeling strange butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

Hmmm, that Amane Yugi...

Nene thought as she got into the tent to join Aoi and Mei to go to sleep.

Why'd you do that...

Nene thought, her face went red as she thought about how close they had been the night before.

No! That's ridiculous! He's just your friend! A stupid astronomy-cute, moon-obsessed boy you used to hate!

Nene thought internally battling herself.

Yeah! He's not even my type!

Nene tried reassuring herself with this, trying to convince herself it was working.

"Yashiro?" Amane's voice called out quietly. His voice sounded kind of scratchy, presumably from how much screaming and shouting went on down at the beach as they messed about. His voice startled Nene.

"I- Um- Yes, Amane?" Nene asked, poking her head out of the girl's side of the tent.

"I think you left your phone out here." He said, walking up to her and showing Nene her phone.

"Oh, I must have forgotten I left it there." Nene said, taking her phone from his hands. "Thank you..." She whispered.

"No problem... Good night, Yashiro." Amane said quietly, turning away and walking into his, and Akane's side of the tent.

"Good night..." Nene whispered, watching him walk away.


"Hey. Yashiro... You've got to get up now."

Nene opened here eyes to see Amane leaning over her and gently shaking her,

"Huh?" Nene said.

"Breakfast is almost ready. It's the same as yesterday." Amane said, standing up and extending his arm, reaching out to her, his hand open waiting for her to take it. Nene took his hand and he pulled her to her feet. Nene felt kind of embarrassed and looked away from him as they both stepped out of the tent to see Akane, Aoi and Mei already dressed and eating.

"Oh, good morning Nene!" Aoi said, noticing the two walk out the tent.

"Morning, Aoi..." Nene grumbled.

"Well, look who slept in today." Mei said. "You and Amane really are alike." She teased.

"Aoi..." Nene mumbled.

"I'm just kidding!" Aoi said reassuring her friend. "Here's a bacon sandwich Nene!" Aoi said handing a bread bun with bacon in it, in a napkin.

"Thanks, Aoi." Nene said biting into it. 

"So we hope you don't mind, but we were planning to go on a walk through the forest near here to a cave to explore today!" Aoi said smiling.

"Oh, sure I don't mind." Nene said after she finished eating. "I guess I'll go get dressed now then." She said walking into the tent.


After Nene was dressed, they made sure they all had some bottles of water and lunch packed in their bags.

"Okay! Let's go!" Mei called out pulling her bag over her shoulder.

They headed out of the campsite and to the edge of the forest trail. They began walking on the trail as the sun grew hotter. They were walking for quite a while.

Hey, Akane?" Aoi asked, a look of concern on her face. "How long until we'll be there?" 

"Hmmm, we should be there by now..." Akane said looking at his phone in confusion. "It says we are right next to it." Akane said turning around to look at their surroundings.

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