Camping trip! :9

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Nene got up and decided it was time to get ready and make sure her stuff was packed. Today, Nene, Aoi, Mei, Amane and Akane were going camping for the weekend! Akane said he would drive, as he had enough seats for all of them in his car. Nene made sure all her stuff was packed after she got out of the shower, and headed out her dorm, triple checking she locked it.

"Okay... that should be fine..." Nene said turning away from her dorm and making her way down the stairs, dragging multiple bags with her.

Akane, Aoi and Amane were already there.

"Hey, Nene!" Aoi greeted her friend excitedly.

"Hey!" Nene said grinning as she passes her bags over to Akane as he put them in the boot. "Is Mei here yet?" Nene asked.

"She said she'll be here in like, five minutes!" Aoi said as she checked her phone lock screen.

After a few minutes, Mei arrived and after putting her stuff in Akane's car, they jumped in.

Akane was driving, Amane sat next to him in front and the three girls in the back.

"So how long will it take to get there?" Amane asked Akane.

"About two hours." Akane replied, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Hmm, hey Akane?" Aoi asked, leaning forwards poking her head past his seat really close to his face.

"Oh- uhm yes, Aoi?" Akane said, clearly flustered.

"Would you mind putting some music on please?" Aoi asked sweetly, a big smile on her face.

"Sure." Akane said taking his left hand away from the steering reel to turn on the music.

"Thank you Akane!" Aoi smiled.

"S-sure." Akane said, his face grew red.

Nene and Mei smirked at each other seeing their cute interaction.

"Aren't you two cute..." Mei whispered leaning across Nene to poke Aoi in the arm. 

"What? I- uh..." Aoi said embarrassed.

Nene and Mei started laughing as they teased her. Amane turned around to see the two girls teasing Aoi and laughing.

It had been about an hour, when they decided to stop at a petrol station and have a break to get some fresh air. As Akane filled up the car, they just stood outside the car, breathing some fresh air. It also happened to be a really hot day. Sweat beaded on Nene's forehead and she fanned herself with her hands constantly.

"I didn't think it'd be so hot..." Nene sighed.

"Yeah, me neither. But it's definitely good weather to go camping though!" Mei said as she got back in the car.

The others did as well after Akane finished filling the car with petrol. They made their way again and only took about another hour to get to the campsite.

"Ahh finally!" Nene sighed jumping out of the car. "We're here!"

It was only a small pitch on a camping field, but it had lovely scenery.

"Okay, let's get out the tent." Amane said joining Akane to stand at the back of his car boot.

"Woah look how gorgeous the weather is too!" Aoi said raising her hand to her forehead and looking up at the blue sky.

"Ohh yeah!" Mei agreed.

Akane and Amane dragged the tent out of his car laying it on the ground. Unfortunately, they only had one tent, but luckily it was big enough for all of them. Two rooms to sleep in and a middle part of the tent. Amane and Akane would stay in one room, and Nene, Aoi and Mei in the other.

Amane and Akane started setting up while the girls got all the stuff out of the car. Once the tent was set up, they all put in the duvets and beds inside. They also put a soft mat down in the tent as well. They put all their other belongings and food inside the middle of the tent.

"Yes! We're finally done!" Nene said happily stretching her arms above her head.

"Not quite." Amane said as went to grab a table, unfolding it and setting it up alongside their camping chairs. "Now we are." He said stepping back.

"Ah, great!" Mei said sitting down on a chair.

"I'm going to set up the camping stove now, anyone want a hot tea?" Aoi asked.

"Oh, me please if you don't mind Aoi!" Nene said.

"Me too, please!" Mei agreed.

"If it's okay, I would like some, Aoi." Akane smiled.

"Okay! And you, Amane?" Aoi asked turning to face him.

"Sure, if you don't mind." Amane said simply.

"Alright!" Aoi sang, running off to get the stove and kettle. 

The whistling sound of the kettle boiling, filled the area as the hot water bubbled inside.

"It's already the afternoon. What should we do to finish the day?" Nene asked biting her lip.

"Hmmm... we could just stay here? I mean we are going to have a barbecue later anyways, and most likely a little campfire. We can do things and go places tomorrow." Amane suggested.

"You're right. That's probably the best course of action for now." Nene agreed, putting her phone down on the table.

"Tea's ready!" Aoi said, bringing everyone's tea to the table one by one.

Aoi and Akane sat down around the table, joining Nene, Amane and Mei.

"I agree with Amane. Might as well take a break here for the evening, and do whatever tomorrow." Akane said.

"I'll do whatever!" Mei said happily.

"Me too!" Aoi said.

"Okay it's settled!" Nene grinned.

They all sipped on their tea, chatting, laughing, and goofing off for a couple hours, until they decided to start a barbecue.

"I'll get the burgers out of the cool box!" Nene raised her hand, standing up and walking inside the tent to grab the burgers.

As Nene fumbled through the cool box, Amane walked in behind her. He stood next to her, leaning over to grab the sausages out as well. He didn't realize how dangerously close, he was to Nene's face.

Nene's face went bright red as she moved out of the way. "I- uhm... sorry-" Nene stammered.

"What's wrong?" Amane asked raising his eyebrows at the sight of Nene's obvious blushing face. "Are you..? Sick? Your face is pretty red. You don't have a temperature, do you?" He asked, completely oblivious.

"Huh? No! Of course not! I'm fine!" Nene said grabbing the burgers and walking out the tent.

What was that?

Nene thought as she walked over to Akane, who was lighting the charcoal in the barbecue. She passed Akane the burgers, before walking back over to the girls to sit down.

"Hey, are you alright? You look quite flustered." Aoi pointed out.

"Oh! Did something happen in the tent earlier?~" Mei asked smirking. "You were in there alone with Amane, weren't you?~" Mei teased.

"To get burgers!" Nene protested, embarrassed. 

"Hmm... okay..." Mei said, obviously not satisfied with her response.

Nene thought about what happened in the tent with Amane, and felt a strange feeling in her chest. 

What the hell? 


A/N - 

I'm so sorry for the slow updates! I've been busy and also brainstorming some ideas for this story! This was originally gonna be a longer chapter but I wanted the trip to be over several chapters. Anyways, enjoy, and thanks for reading!

- Tehya <3

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