Love letters?: 13

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Nene woke up, her head pounding and feeling dizzy.

Ughh... Why do I feel so sick? What happened last night..?

Nene thought as she sat up. Everyone was still asleep. Mei and Aoi are still lying next to her. Nene checked the time on her phone to see it was only 8:30.

Nene stood up, wobbling a bit. Nene stepped out of the tent quietly, trying her best not to wake anyone. The sun had not long ago risen. 

"Good morning Yashiro." Akane was stood there, some bags in his hands.

"Oh, good morning Akane." Nene greeted. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Well, I woke up early and since we're leaving today, I figured I'd start packing some stuff now to lighten the load later." Akane explained.

"Ohh, that makes sense!" Nene said. "Do you want any help?" She asked.

"No thank you Yashiro, but you should have a glass of water for your headache." Akane said.

"My headache?" Nene asked confused. "How'd you know I have one?" She asked.

"I just figured. You still seem quite hungover from yesterday." He said, passing her bottled water.

Nene laughed nervously. "I don't really remember anything to be honest." She said, drinking some of the water.

"That's expected. Do you still remember how much you clung to Amane though?" He asked.

"Clung to- .... WHAT?!" Nene choked.

Akane laughed. "You wouldn't leave him alone. You most literally begged Amane to stay within two feet of you at all times." He joked.

"I-" Nene's face blushed crimson red and hear cheeks burned. "I'd never! That's ridiculous! He's an idiot, why'd I ever beg for something like that?! Nene blurted in an attempt to hide how embarrassed she was. 

"It happened. Ask Aoi or Mei. Better yet, ask Amane." Akane said shrugging.

"Ask Amane what?" 

The two turned around to see Amane stood there, head tilted and a raised eyebrow. His hair was still messy and he looked rather tired.

"Oh? Nothing." Akane said simply.

Nene looked away immediately blushing. "I'll go wake Aoi and Mei! Nene said nervously and ran into the tent to wake her two friends.

After everyone was awake, they all ate a quick breakfast and began packing up their stuff. It didn't take too long as they began to finally take down the tent. After putting everything in Akane's car, they all got in and started their journey home. All Nene could do was stare at the side of Amane's face as he spoke to Akane at the front of the car. She kept feeling boiling hot feelings in her stomach every time she looked at him. 

It started to rain on the way back. Nene watched the cold rain's droplets race on the window as she stared out of it.

After a couple of hours, they made it back to the dorms. As they got out of the car and got their stuff, they thanked Akane for being the one to drive and returned to their dorms. Nene was now feeling a bit better after the morning. Her headache went down a bit. She had a hot shower and sat down to relax.


The next day they all went back to classes. As she entered her class, she saw Aoi and Mei chatting and went over to greet them. She also said hello to Amane and Akane.

As Nene went to her desk, she realized there was some type of letter left in her seat.

"Hmm? What's this..?" Nene mumbled as she picked it up.

The back of the letter was assigned directly to Nene. In curiosity,  she opened it right there. From the start, she could tell how much effort was put into the letter. It was such neatly written handwriting. Nene's eyes widened as she read it. 

"A- a love letter?!" Nene said in surprise.

"A WHAT?" Aoi shrieked and ran over to Nene immediately.

"YOU GOT LOVE LETTER?! WHO IS IT?!" Mei asked in shock.

Nene showed them the dramatic and romantically written confession. "It says his name is Akari!"

"HE'S ASKING YOU TO TRY OUT A DATE WITH HIM!!" Aoi explained as she read the letter and her mouth hung open.

"ARE YOU GOING TO GO??" Mei asked.

"Well, it's the first time someone's ever done this for me!" Nene exclaimed in awe. "Yes, I'll go! I'll give them a chance!" She said in excitement.

"I sure hope he's not a jerk though!" Aoi said crossing her arms.

"If he does anything, we'll beat him up for you Nene! Mei exclaimed.

"Thank you!" Nene said happily.

They spoke about where she would be meeting him for a date and what she'd do when she will meet him.

Little did Nene know, who was listening to the whole thing...



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