Chapter 1 - Scott's POV

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Swearing. Just one.😁

"It'll be fine. I'm sure he's a nice guy!" Lauren tried to reason with me.

"but what if he isn't..." I moaned.

You're the woooorrsttttttt Scott!" Lauren moaned. I called my hand to my heart and pretended to look offended. "You are so dramatic!" Lauren giggled.

"You are going to die now!" I said. And playfully punched Lauren on the arm. She tackled me to the bed and have me a smug or triumphant look but then I kicked her in the shins so she would loosen her grip. I rolled away from her and ran to the open window. I jumped out. I let myself fall but then spread my owl like wings and began the chase. Lauren was hot on my tail. She grabbed me and pulled me down. I have a short scream of surprise before I began spinning to shake her of. Her grip loosened and I pulled away but she grabbed me again. We crashed into the soft snow below laughing like we were kids again.

"Children!" Mum called. " You need to get ready!"

Oh no... We rushed to our rooms. I grabbed my formal Rivendailian attire and got changed. I grabbed the flower I had been saving. My favourite flower, a poppy.

I walked out of my room to see Lauren her hair nearly down her back and a black headband in her hair. She was wearing a galaxy like dress that reached just below her knees. You look nice," I said. Then she said a very Lauren thing (in this so not in real life)

"Thanks. You don't look like shit."


Lauren tugged on my arm and I stopped looking at the floor. I locked eyes with Prince James. I probably blushed like mad because he was really cute. I walked over to him and bowed. I handed him the poppy and hoped he liked it. He smiled. He was really handsome when he smiled. His eyes were a perfect shade of brown and his hair really suited him.

"Just so you know for later, please call me Jimmy." Jimmy said. "I'll take you to our room."

He took my hand and I felt my face heat up. When we got to the room I did a double take. "There's only one bed?"

"we have to share,"

A\N finally. I have been procrastinating all day... I went out for lunch. It was delicious and the waitress was really nice.😁 I'm going to my friend's house tomorrow and she knows nothing about empires except my random ramblings. I'm going to read her a part of the mayor's cold fury by rainyjoi2009(check it out) that made me cry and I will probably cry again and a part that made me laugh my head off. Both were about Erin. Gotta love her!💕💕💕💕💕 - Katie

Hey, Katie here, umm, I was planning on re writing the next chapter and yeah, they don't share anymore, Scottie with Lauren and the sea longs are together

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