Chapter 7 - Pearl's POV

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"Pearl!" I heard my dad call. I went downstairs and was immediately tackled in a hug by Gem. I gasped slightly out of surprise but smiled fondly down on the red hair obscuring my vision.

" hi sunshine, " I said. "Are you ok?" She let go of me and looked at me.

"Not really, FWhip yelled at me." She said sadly.

" Oh, why would he tell at the SWEETEST person in the world? "

"Be-because he - I defended Jimmy." She told me, looking on the verge of tears.

" oh sunshine, I'm sorry, " I said. She said,

"You don't need to apologise, you didn't make FWhip yell at me." She hugged me tighter and asked, " can I stay the night? I don't want to see FWhip right now. "

I told her she could and we ended up binge watching a series of unfortunate events all night. I'm so glad I'm friends with the best person ever. She cares about everyone else and it just herself and she is an amazing Princess and will make an amazing Queen one day.

A\N Shiny duo! Sorry I didn't give you more time to say yes or no but I couldn't wait. Tell me what you think and I will bring some shiny duo back of you enjoy it! Have a good day \ night. -Katie💕💖💞💖💞💕💖💕💞

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