Chapter 3 - Scott's POV

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 "I have an arranged marriage with Jimmy of the Cod empire." Fwip looked shocked and angry. Gem looked confused.

 "Do you mean Prince James?" Gem asked. I realised she didn't know what he prefered to be called.

"Oh he preferes to be called Jimmy." I told them. Fwip just looked disgusted.

 "Why would you agree to that!?" Fwip asked accusingly. If Fwip was mad about him just being betrothed to Jimmy... Oh Aeor, or that I though he was handsome. Like the way his eyes perfectly complemented his hair and his smile. Don't even get me started on it.

 "Scott?" Gem asked. I must have zoned out. Damn his(Jimmy) stupid face!

 "Oh sorry, I zoned out. And I didn't get a choice. I'm as mad as you are!" I said. I was lying about being mad. Wait, what am I saying?! Thinking. This is so confusing. 


I was sitting in my room, not really knowing what to do. I couldn't sleep. Then, almost as if she knew I was bored and couldn't sleep, Lauren walked in. She was in her favourite bread pajamas. (Of course) " I had a nightmare, " she whispered. She seemed to look 'younger' not like the sassy sister who said I didn't look like shit. More like when we were children, she would rely on me if she was scared. (Trying to make some wholesome sibling moments😁). She walked over to me and I opened my arms for a hug. She buried her face into my chest. Then I realised something that always used to work when she was younger. 

 "You want me to sing the song?" I asked her. She nodded. I began singing in elvish. ( Will not commit to making up random words). She fell asleep pretty quick and I smiled down on my younger sister. (How do I write wholesome stuff? I think I'm better at angst😔...) 

A\N Sorry it's short I just wanted to get something out and considering I have a headache is making me less motivated so I wanted to get it out today.😁 -Katie💕

About an hour later:

Shit! I didn't post it!

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