A\N pls read!

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Hey. Katie here. I've been struggling with some motivation because I've been thinking about several things at once. I feel a bit overwelmed. I knew I shouldn't post so many books at once! I'm very much a people pleaser and hate making anyone sad. I wouldn't say I have bad mental health issues but I definitely HAVE mental health issues and my mum refuses to get me therapy.

On another note, I wanted to ask for some feedback and ideas. I was thinking of writing a book because I ordered a notebook and the package arrived today. It was the cover of a notebook. There is no refund policy. I wouldn't actually publish the book because I'm a 10 year old but I would let my friends read it. I think I'm a good author. I think.

I wanted to say, you reading this right now. Do something for you because I don't do that nearly as often as I should. Go on a run, eat your favourite food, read a book, go outside, journal, draw! Do anything. Take care of yourself. As one of my favourite YouTube's said, "fall I love with your life. Because then if someone dates you or something good is happening, they are just adding. Not completeing. You don't need anyone to complete you" -Carrie Walker. Fall in love with yourself -Katie💕💞💖

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