Chapter 13 - Scott's POV

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(Some Xornoth and Scott angst)

I glanced at the clock that read 12:16AM and then turned my gaze to the empty bed on the other side of the room. I was so tired I didn't take it in immediately but I lay there as all the memories cane back, even more painful then when I actually lived them.

(⭐️⭐️Ohhh, magic flashback⭐️⭐️)

"Xor?" I whispered in distress. He didn't turn around. "Xor!" I said louder. He ignored me again, progressing through the cave. "XORNOTH!!" I yelled but immediately put my hands over my mouth. He flinched and turned around. "I-I'm sorry XOR I di-didn't mean-" he looked at me and I shut up. His eyes were clouded in red. No more purple, red energies coursed through his hair and I stared in horror. "X-Xor, what did he do you?!" I asked, my voice shaking in fear. This wasn't, couldn't be my twin. He made to turn around but I grabbed his wrist, "STOP! Please!!" I pleaded. Then he did something I never thought he would do. He burned me. I screamed in agony and cliched my hand in pain, attempting to cool it with ice but it was no use. I've had these powers my whole life and never been able to control them, what makes me think I'll be able to magically use them now? "You-you burned me!" I gasped. He laughed at me. "You pro-promised." I whispered.

"What was that ice freak?" He asked, a smile creeping onto his face but it was more of a sneer. The name, ice freak drew anger in me.

"YOU FUCKING PROMISED! I DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO YOU AND YOU-" I cut myself off, tears welling up in my eyes.

"And I what?" Xornoth asked coldly. I hesitated then whispered,

"Your going to leave me." I saw something like regret on his face, quickly stifled with disgust.

"You have Lauren, your her favourite." He said bitterly. I looked at him and felt more tears prickle at my eyes.

"You know that's a lie." I said quietly. He turned around and got to the Exor thingy (I don't know the word I'm looking for and it's annoying!) "Xor, Xor no."

I couldn't bare to relive another moment and didn't. Tears were freezing on my face. I tried to wipe them but they were frozen so that didn't go well.

A/N I lost motivation, sorry. Please vote. And comment. It makes me motivated.

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