Chapter 5 - Lauren's POV

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Oh my god! I think my older brother has a crush! (ya think?) Every time I mention Prince Jimmy, he blushes a bit! I am so going to tease him for this! I don't think Fwip is going to be happy about this...

 "Scootttttttt" I called in a song song voice, dragging out the word. He looked scared as I walked over to him. "You like Prince Jimmyyyyyyyy!" I said, yet again dragging out the words in a singing tone.

He looked at me. He looked confused and I'm pretty sure he's blushing. "W-what so-called do you m-mean?" He asked kinda flustered. I smiled. 

 " You know exactly what I mean, " I teased.

 "No, I really don't" he said convincingly but Scott has always been a good actor. I responded to this by tackling him to the ground. 

 "Tell the truth," I demanded

 "Lauren, please get off your brother. You have a meet up with Prince Fwip and Princess Gem." Mum said but she was holding back a laugh. I looked at Scott and begrudgingly let go.


 "Lauren!" Gem yelled as she ran out of the castle and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back.

 " Hi! I'm sorry I couldn't come last time, " I apologised to my best friend. "Now we have to go and catch up on all of the gossip!" I told her, leading her inside to her room.

 "So, what is the recent gossip? " Gem asked excitedly.

 "Before I tell you, what are your views on the cod war?" I asked aprehensively . If she hated jimmy's guts, then I can't tell her.

 "I think it's silly to start a war about which FISH is superior. I wish I was allowed to be more like The overgrown. Neutral. But I have to support my twin," she sighed.

 " so I can tell you this. Please don't tell Fwip!" I begged.

 "Of course" Gem said 

 "Scott likes Jimmy." I blurted out. She knew.

 " Wow! So he's lucky to have an arranged marriage then! " but her face fell. " what if Fwip finds out? "

 "He can't if you don't blab." I said. 

 " let's join them, or they'll eavesdrop on us. " she suggested. I nodded and followed her downstairs.

 "I have an idea!" Fwip exclaimed.

 "What?" Scott asked at the same time as I said, 

 " well go on, tell us! "

 "Well, Scott you need to make Jimmy think you like him and that he falls for you and you break his heart." Fwip said excitedly.

 I have Gem a frightened look. I didn't want Scott to tell Fwip and not do I think he did either...

A\N hiiiiiii good people of the internet.😁 I like the idea that Lauren and Gem are besties. Also, I'm going to ask and if I get no replies I will probably go ahead and do it, would you like me to put some shiny duo in here? I think it could just make a nice wholesome chapter.😁 have a good dayi

ight, Katie💕

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