Chapter 15 - Jimmys POV

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(Ladies, gents and non binary people, the moment you've all been waiting for!)

"James dear!" My mum called.

"Yes mum?" I shouted back. I waited a second, wondering if she heard me when I heard Lizzie shout,

"Get dressed ya idiot!" I rolled my eyes and shouted back,

"Oh, you're soooo kind..." I could hear her laughing as I walked to my wardrobe. I blushed as I realised why she had told me to get dressed. I was going on a date with Scott today. I knew he was on FWhip's side and could be using me but I don't care. I don't know what it is. I just trust him. I don't know why and I know it's stupid but I... I think I like him. (Ya think)

I picked out nice clothes and headed downstairs.

When he gets there and is about to meet up with Scott

I walked towards the part Scott had told him to meet him at. When I didn't see him though, I wasn't sure if he was standing me up. "Boo!" Came a familiar voice from behind me. I looked around to see Scott looking... honestly... stunning. I probably spent  a minute staring at him. He was wearing a flower crown of poppies and daisies. It looked neat and a change from his usual princes crown that sat at an odd angle because of his antlers. The flower crown tangled up his antlers and made them very pretty. His clothes consisted of a white top with a pride flag and he also wore a blue jacket.

"I-you look gorgeous..." I said without really thinking. I didn't miss the light flush of pink on his pale skin. Before he composed himself and replied,

"You do too sunflower!" I blushed at the nickname before coming back,

"Pet names, already, you haven't even taken me on our first date!"

"Well I'm about too, come on." He replied and grabbed my hand. I couldn't help but notice that we were now holding hands. He lead me to a tunnel and led me through and it ended in a balcony that he's an absolutely wonderful view across Rivendelle. We sat and chat for a bit and I figured out how much we had in common. Maybe he isn't that bad. Lizzie would absolutely flip if she found out... I'll just keep my feelings to myself. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Scott asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah... beautiful," I replied but I wasn't looking at the view. He looked at me and as he realised what I meant. he flushed scarlett, but didn't break the eye contact. I was so lost in his icy blue eyes that I almost didn't notice him get a bit closer. Almost. I blushed, but got closer in return. I knew I shouldn't but he leaned in and I did too. Our noses brushed and then our lips collided. I don't know how long we were kissing but sooner than I wanted, he pulled away, blushing furiously. "So... what does this make us?" I asked tentatively.

"I- uh, whatever you want."

"So... boyfriends?" I asked, sliding my own hand into his cold one. He smiled and gripped my hand tightly.

"I would like that."

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