Chapter 2 - Jimmy's POV

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"We have to share a bed?" Scott asked but he didn't sound mad or annoyed or anything I would expect him to feel but he sounded... I don't know. Not mad. Quizzical? Am I over reacting? Probably.

"We should probably get downstairs because it's dinner time," I said.

"Okay," he muttered and followed me out of the room.

I didn't even notice but somehow we ended up holding hands. I blushed when I realized it but didn't let go.(AW💕)

(the adults aren't in the room) We arrived downstairs and I walked over to Lizzie so I could sit next to her. Princess Lauren was sat next to me and Scott sat next to her. "Already holding hands I see," Lizzie teased. I turned red.

"What am I hearing about holding hands?" Lauren added. "Scott, why are you a tomato? I thought you were Elsa." I bit back a laugh.

" Lauren! I was 10! " Scott moaned.

"Yeah and it was hilarious to see you in an Elsa costume singing let it go." Lauren laughed. Scott have her a look. She quieted down. " Very badly. " she whispered so only I could hear. We started eating and not much conversation happened.

"Mum said that we need to go to bed after this. (It's about 7pm) I wish we didn't have to go to bed so early!" I said. Mum was really strict about this stuff. Me and Scott headed up to our room and promptly fell asleep.

I woke up to something moving. I turned over to see Scott sitting up breathing heavy and looking scared. "What's wrong?" I asked. He looked surprised to see me awake. He gasped air and tried to form words but all that I heard was,

"N-n-nigh-ma-r-re," I hugged him and he sobbed into my chest. I began stroking(?) His hair which seemed to calm him down. We layed back down and I continued stroking his hair.

I opened my eyes to a voice I recognised and a voice I knew well. Lizzie?! And.. Lauren..? Lizzie has her phone out. "Send it to me! My number is (insert number),"

" Ok. they are so cute! " it was then that I realised I was cuddling Scott. I sat up and looked at her. She smiled... Big sis love. I hate it. Scott stirred. He sat up and saw Lauren.

"No. Just no." Scott said and buried his face under the pillow. Lauren started laughing. Little sister love?


I waved and he waved back. I felt kinda disappointed but why. I was meant to not like him. He was on the opposite side of the cod wars for Cod's sake!I

A\N I know why this didn't take as much motivation to write. I was copying from a notebook for the last chapter. Have a good day

ight! -Katie💕

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