Chapter 4 - Lizzie's POV

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I am currently brushing my hair out. I had a date with Joel tonight and I was excited to fill him in on everything that was happening. I had already told Katherine and she said that it didn't make sense but since she was neutral in the cod war, she said she couldn't take sides. She consoled me by saying that something good may come from this. She told me not to be so pessimistic and I kinda snapped at her, "I'm not being pessimistic Kath! I'm being realistic!" I feel bad for snapping at her. But for now I need to focus on my date.

I pulled my head out of the water and saw my boyfriend. He smiled and I pulled myself into land. "Hi short guy!" I said, stifling a laugh. 

 " I'M NOT SHORT!!!!! " Joel yelled. "I'm 6 foot!"

 " You're 5 foot. I'm 10 foot. You are half my height you silly short man. " I reminded him. "But who said I wasn't into silly short men?" I asked. He looked a bit pinker than usual and I lent down and kissed him. He now looked like a tomato. We layed down on the hot sand and I decided to bring up the arranged marriage. "Soo... Jimmy has an arranged marriage... With someone on the other side of the cod war... Prince Scott." I said.

 " he's not the worst he could have gotten you know. " Joel said. I have him an incredulous look. "What! I mean, he could have gotten Fwip!" And he has a sister. Someone you can tease them with! " Joel said defensively. I sighed,

 "I know... We already have. She is pretty fun. She was teasing Scott in a very me sort of way. Apparently, when Scott was 11 he was in an Elsa dressB and singing let it go... Badly. And when Scott turned red cause we were reading him about holding hands with jimmy, she said, why are you a tomato Scott? I thought you were elsa. And Scott and Jimmy ended up cuddling and I took a picture. Lauren told me to send it to her. I guess I just don't want Jimmy to get his heart broken. I don't trust Scott. What if he's planning something with Fwip!?" I panicked. Joel was laughing but once he composed himself, he spoke,

 " But we turned out fine and I live in a Mesa and you live in an ocean. " I smiled,

 "You always know what to say." Then I missed him again. I love this silly short man so much. 😁

A\N hiiiiii! Ment to post yesterday butttttttttttt. Reasons. Thank you for another follower! I know I probably sound like a broken record but: feel free to comment! I appreciate ALL of you! All 167! -Katie💕

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