Chapter 11 -Scott POV

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I looked at the poppy I had in my hands and blushed. It reminded me of Jimmy. Why does that make me blush? Almost on queue, Lauren came in. "Have you ever heard of knocking?" I asked indignantly. She knocked and then closed the door behind her.

"You thinking of Jimmy?" She asked teasingly.

"Shut up," I said blushing furiously.

"Ha! You were!" She exclaimed triumphantly. I just hid my head in my hands. As she
continues to tease me. "If you like him so much, just ask him on a date," I looked at her as if she was crazy. "What!" She asked.

"It's. Its not that simple Lauren," I groaned into my hands.

"Why though? Why isn't it?" She asked. I sighed and looked at her before answering.

"We're enemies, Lauren. I can't just ask him on a date!"

"Why not!?" Lauren demanded. I sighed and looked at her and said,

"I don't think you get it."

"What don't I get," Lauren asked.

"Your too young," I said.

"No, I'm not. Just do it! Or I'll make you!"

Time skip to meeting in a few days

Lauren took my hand and led me forwards towards Jimmy. "No Lauren please don't," I whispered to her pleadingly. She smiled and continued leading me towards him.

"Hi?" Jimmy greeted but seemed confused at why Lauren was dragging me along.

"Scott wanted to ask you something," she said

"No I don't!" I replied quickly.

"Ok, I warned you Scott," Lauren said threateningly.

"Wait what does that mea-"

"Scott wants to go on a date with you," she said matter of factly. I blushed.

"Lauren!" I moaned.

"I-uh," Jimmy stammered. He screwed his eyes shut and said, "Yes! Just don't tell my sister. Please."

I blushed more and Lauren said,

"YES! You can thank me later Scott."

A/N thanks to @solidaritygaming77 for this idea. Have a good day or night - Katie💗💖💕💞💓💘

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