Chapter 12 - Jimmy's POV

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Oh my cod. He wants to go on a date with me. Suddenly, I heard a faint tapping. It was coming from my  window. I saw an owl. It had a letter. I opened it. 

Dear Jimmy,

Next week we have a meeting at my kingdom. When you get there at 5PM can you meet me at the bottom of the North  mountain range for our date. 


I blushed but didn't get time to think because someone opened my door. I quickly hid the note as Lizzie came in. 

"Hi," she said but then gave me a look and I felt nervous. If she knew, Scott would be dead in seconds. "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing," I said, a bit too quickly. She then looked angry,

"Is it that awful elf!?" She asked furiously.

"N-no," I said hoping that she wouldn't notice. She looked sympathetic and then said,

"You know you can tell me what it is. Is it that you have to marry him?" I blushed I'd never really thought about it.  "Anyway, mum said to come down to dinner in 10 minutes. And she left. I sighed a sigh of relief. I wrote a quick message to Scott saying that that was Ok and gave it to the owl. Cod knows how Lizzie didn't notice it.

A/N Hiiiiiiiii. I have to go to sleep but tell me what you want to see happen next. Are there any ships that you like and want to see added? Please tell me. Have a good day or night - Katie <3 

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