Who are you?

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Stella practically rolled of her bed landing on the floor. It was her first day at firehouse 51. Her trying to avoid Grant as much as she could. She quickly took a shower, got dress and left the apartment. She couldn't take his slaps anymore.

Stella arrived about 15 minutes before shift started and her lieutenant Matt Casey introduce her to everyone. Stella even met her old high school best friend Gabby. Stella headed to the bathroom and wash her face. Not noticing a guy standing few steps away from her.

"Who are you?" The guy ask as Stella jump not knowing someone was there. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to jump you." He said softly. Stella turned to him as he stared her up and down. "I'm the new member on truck, I'm Stella." She told him as he smiled. "Nice I'm Squad's lieutenant, Severide but you can call me Kelly of shift." He replied as Stella smiled.

He threw his shirt of and continued to stare at Stella. "Your beautiful you-  The bells went of 'Squad 3, Truck 81, ambo 61 apartment fire 3428 West Virginia Street." Stella and Kelly ran out as they headed to there rigs.

On the scene Casey give orders to his men and Kelly give orders to his men. "Mouch, Otis you guys take the 3rd floor, Herrmann Kidd you guys follow me." Casey shouted over at truck as they all masked up as Stella and Herrmann followed Casey.

"Fire Department call out!" Shouted Casey. "Kidd, check the bedroom, Herrmann check the bathroom I'll check over here." Casey told them as they nodded. "Copy that, Lieutenant." They said before doing as told.

Stella found a couple in bed together they didn't had a pulse. "Lieutenant, I've got two bodies in here but there dead." Stella said over her radio. "Copy that Kidd, evaluate." Casey replied over his radio. Stella spotted a baby no older than a year lying in her crib. Stella immediately pick it up wrapping her into her coat as she evaluate the building.

"Dawson, Shay!" Stella shouted as she place the lifeless baby on the stretcher. "Bag her." Shay said as Gabby got the oxygen mask as place it on the baby's face. Shay started to do finger compressions on the baby's chest.

"She has a steady pluse." Shay said as she smiled at Stella. "Good job you got to her in time." She rub Stella's hand as Stella smiled. Casey walk up to her. "Nice work Kidd, you already impress me." Said Casey as they all started to clap.

Soon back at the firehouse Stella sat in the locker room as Kelly walked up to her. "Good save today Kidd." Kelly told her as she look up at me. "Thanks Lieutenant." She replied as she stood close her locker door. "So what we're you trying to tell me before the bells went of?" She ask as Kelly turned red in embarrassment. "Sorry I took myself to the next level I'm sorry." He told her as she look up at him. "Thanks for calling me beautiful I don't see myself being beautiful." Stella told him as she looked into his light blue ocean eyes.

"I.. I think you are tho.. Wanna be friends?" He ask her as she nodded. "I would love to." She replied as he smiled. The bells went of for Squad and within a minute Kelly disappeared.

"So Stella enjoying your first day?" Gabby ask as Stella look over at her. "Yeah I already love it here." Stella replied. "Great I want to become a firefighter soon, I'm going to take the test and I'll be 51's new candidate." Gabby said cheerfully.

"Really?" Stella ask.

"Yeah even though your lieutenant and I'm are a couple I'm not going to be letting him go easy on me." Gabby said.

"That's cool, I didn't know you are Casey we're a thing." Stella smirk.

"Yeah we are." Gabby replied as we headed to the kitchen.

Shay walked in sad as she stop in the middle of the kitchen. Everyone turned to give her the attention.

Then squad walked in. Shay look at Kelly with very warm eyes.

"So umm that baby we saved this morning.. She didn't um.. made it.. she die." Shay said as Stella's eyes filled with tears.

She headed straight to the bathroom and let a few tears fall. Meanwhile back at the kitchen Kelly comfort Shay a little as he headed to check on Stella.

"Hey Kidd.. You okay?" He ask as he saw her quickly wipe her tears. "Yeah." She lied before putting a fake smile on. "I know your not come here." He wrap his arms around her as she cried into his chest.

"I thought I would have save my first saved on my first day, but I didn't.. She was so small she looked no longer than a year, Severide she didn't deserve this." She told him as he wipe her tears.

"We know she didn't but her parents mix bleach with other chemicals and the fire started the chemicals traveled to all other apartments." Kelly replied as Stella pulled away from him.

"I'm sorry." She step back few steps as he look at her. "You don't want to touch me because I'm.." The bells went of for Truck and ambo. Stella quickly ran out of the bathroom as she was glad she didn't had to listen to what Kelly was about to say.
Once shift was finally over Stella quickly left but before she could get away she heard footsteps behind her.

"Hey Stella, you wanna grab a beer tonight?" Kelly ask as she look at him.

"Why me?" She ask.

"I want to get to know you better plus we're friends now.. Right?" He ask as she nod.

"Yeah sure where can I meet you?"

"At Molly's everyone goes there at night for drinks." Kelly said as he give Stella his number.

"Alright, I'll be there I'll text you and you'll tell me what time you want me to come." She told him.

"Ok sounds good to me." He replied.

Unforgettable Love~ A Stellaride Love Story Where stories live. Discover now