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It's been a few weeks since Kelly and Stella we're officially dating. They kept there relationship a secret from everyone including Shay. No one never knew they were a thing but of course you couldn't keep secrets in the firehouse.

Kelly's POV~
I was doing some paperwork when I saw my beautiful girlfriend walking towards my office. I look over at her to see she was holding her side. She stood in the doorway as I look up at her as she sighed. "Hey what happened there?" I ask her as she hold her shirt up a little as I look at her bruise side. "How did that happen?" I ask as I rub her side.

"Part of the roof fell on my side, I was pulling this lady out from under the table when suddenly part of the roof collapse and fell on me." She said as I kissed her side. "Did you go to med?" I ask as she nod. "Yeah but it's alright just gotta rub some ointment and put on a bandage later." She said as I smiled. "Do you want me to give it another kiss?" I ask as she nod. I place a soft kiss on her bruise side as she push my head away. "Ah Kelly, you send butterflies through my stomach when you do that." She said as I look up at her with a grin. "Ooo, someones gonna get wet." I tease grabbing her waist. "Oh, you know that for certain?" She ask as I nodded.

We starred into each other eyes as she cup my cheek kissing me. "Now you have me they'll be a lot of things we'll do in here." She said as I smirk. I kissed her as she pull the blinds down in my office. She sat in my lap as I rub her back. "We really gonna do this?" I ask her as she look into my eyes. "If you don't want to play then stop me." She whispered as I kissed her neck. "I'll never stop you from making out with me." I told her as she remove my shirt. She started kissing and sucking on my neck. "Stella, you know you'll leave a hicky on my neck." I moaned softly as she lick my neck all the way to my lips leaving me shock. We kiss deeply not wanting to let go of each other.

"Hm your going to have to stop me at some point." She said as we continue to kiss each other. "I want you.. so bad right now." I told her as I moan through the kiss. I felt Stella rub against me as I took her shirt of as I was about to unbuckle her belt I heard a knock on the door. We got dress and Stella got in my bunk and pretended to sleep.

I open the door to find Casey standing there. He saw Stella sleeping on my bunk. "Are you serious right now, Kidd!" Casey said sternly. Casey and I had beef last shift and we're competing against each other to see who was better. It really pissed Boden of to see the tension between squad and truck.

Stella quickly got up as Casey give her a whole lecture about them competing against squad and she shouldn't be anywhere around me. For her punishment she had to clean the bathrooms this shift. "But all due respect lieutenant I'm not 81's candidate." She said as he scoff.

"Getting this behaviour from Severide?" He ask as I but in. "She did nothing wrong Casey she wanted peace after getting hurt and your guys we're keeping a bunch of noise." I said as we we're about to argue as chief shouted "Hey!" Sooner than I know it we we're getting a lecture about our behaviour from chief. 

Few hours later I headed to take a whizz when I saw Stella cleaning the bathroom she look so pissed and annoyed. I stood there watching her as she look up at me. "I can't talk to you lieutenant and you can't help me either." She said looking away from me and continue to scrub. I walked up to her and said. "Fuck Casey." I told her before kissing her lips.

I use the urinal right next to Stella as she close her eyes. "No need to do that." I told her before zipping up and washing my hands before drying them in a paper tissue. "Yeah well just giving you privacy." She replied as I smiled. "I don't need privacy once your around,  your my girlfriend now." I said as she smiled, I spent the rest of my time talking to Stella as she finish up cleaning. "I don't know why I'm doing this, I'm not even 81's candidate." Stella said in frustration. "Casey's just being a jerk, we had issues before you got here too he cook lunch but I didn't eat it I only eat an apple and my guys were hating on truck." I told her.

"Why hate on truck? We're the best." She smiled as I arched my eyebrow. "No, we are." I replied. "I think if I just leave you alone and both of us believe different before we have some serious tension between ourselves, but in my opinion truck is better than squad." She smiled before leaving me standing there. I just scoff as I watch her disappear from in front of me.

An hour had pass truck was doing drills on the app floor I just watch them and did my word search puzzle. I saw this man walking up to us with two boxes of pizza in his hand. "Um, delivery for a Capp?" He ask. "Right here." Capp replied. "So pizza is what where eating?" I ask as Capp nodded. "Did you really thought I was going to cook for us and truck no." He said opening the box as we all took a slice. I felt bad doing this so I just stayed silent.

"Your doing this again and again until you finally get it right!" I heard Casey shout as I saw Stella panting by the truck like she was about to faint. "Casey are you blind?? Why are you treating them like this?" I got up walking over to them. "And when do you have authority to tell me what to do?" He ask as I stood in front of him. "Look at them, you think they should be looking like that? Are you training them so they can beat my guys or something if yes it's not going to work!" I shouted as Casey and I argue back and forth as my guys came to side before something happen.

"ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT! I'm tired of all of this and all of you are giving me a fucking headache debating whether if squad or truck is better and it's sickening, your both leaders of this house and of course we look up to you both but gosh your acting childish! We're a team and were supposed to be family and family don't treat each other like this!" Stella shouted making everyone shut up and look at her.

"Family? We don't want to be family with a bunch of twixs, you guys started it." He said as Stella look at me in disbelief. "Why don't you shut your bald ass self up and keep whatever you need to say to yourself and to your team." She said as they looked at her shock. "Dude you just got here so-

"And what if I just got here what is that to do with you and what's that suppose to make me feel? Weak?" She ask as he smiled. "Hmm pretty princess you realize your the only female firefighter here we're all tougher than you." He said which I think it got to Stella because she just starred at me then back at Casey and walk away. "Yeah that's what I thought." He replied. I saw Stella about to walk up at him but I hold her back. "Let me go Severide! And how about you controll you disgrace of a team!" She push me away as I was shocked.
Stella's POV~
I don't know who Capp think he was but I'm so done with this shit, I sat on my bunk whilst Casey talk to me about he has to give me a punishment for arguing with Capp at the front of the firehouse. "Severide and I have to talk this out and put a end to this because it's causing a disturbance to the whole firehouse." He told me as Kelly walk up to us both. He give Casey one but he didn't look at me. Look what few weeks of dating turned into. "Smoke break?" He ask as Casey nodded. I just stood up and push pass both men and but up on Shay and Gabby.

"Hey what's wrong?" Shay ask as I couldn't help but cry. "Awww, Stella." Gabby hugged me tightly as I hold onto her tightly as I felt my hold body shake. Casey and Kelly walk up to me as they ask if I was okay I just buried my face into Gabby's neck cried not making a sound. "Kidd." Kelly called out as he rub my back. "Do you want to talk?" He ask as I nod once. He took my hand but I didn't want to let go from Gabby my face was probably red and puffy. I just wipe my tears as both him and Casey took me outside we sat in front of the sqaud truck. "Stella, why are you crying?" Kelly ask. "I'm I weak? I'm I not as tough as you guys?" I ask as Kelly pulled me into his chest and kissed my head.

"Don't let him get to you, your an amazing firefighter all of this started between Casey and myself and we were wrong to bring this between you guys, I didn't know it would turn like this and the way you stood up for yourself made you look tough, your one hell of a firefighter Stella, the first ever female firefighter to step into this firehouse too." He said as I smiled.

"Your tough and when you first got here you heard, saw and spring into action don't let anyone doubt you or tell you that you can't, you don't have to be man to be a firefighter, females can do things men can do and vise versa." Casey said as I sniff. "Thank you both but I think you two should solve the issue or issues between each other, now and I'm not leaving until you guys do so." She said as Casey and I began to talk whilst we smoke. I offered Stella a cigar but she didn't take it. "Oh, I don't smoke." She smiled as I nod. "Well since Casey give you a punishment I'll give one to Capp also." I wrap my arm around her neck as I kept her close to me. Casey and I talked for a while and fix things between us.
A/N- Sorry for the long chapter!

Unforgettable Love~ A Stellaride Love Story Where stories live. Discover now