New York

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It's Stella and Kelly's one year anniversary today and they both got two days to spend it in New York. Stella slept in not knowing what to expect as Kelly woke up getting ready it was around 3:58 in the morning.

"Stella babe time to wake up." He whispered kissing her cheek as she groan. Kelly knew that she didn't like being wake up so early. "If you don't get up we'll be late." He said playing with her hair as she turned and look at him, her eyes slightly open as he smiled rubbing her cheek. He was already done dressed ready to go. They didn't had to pack since they didn't unpack last week.

"Come on sleepyhead." He scoop her up into his arms as she let out a slight giggled. She laid on his shoulder as he sat on the edge of the bed. They cuddle for about ten minutes as they did almost every morning for the pass five months. "Go take a shower I'll call us a Uber." He told her as she nodded. Stella headed to take a shower and got ready for the flight. She put on black leggings, white crop top and Kelly's hoodie which was big on her.

Kelly stood in the door way as she spray some perfume on grabbing her phone and airpods. She turned to leave the bedroom as she jump seeing Kelly standing there watching her. "Ah you scared me." Her heart was racing as she took few deep breaths. "Aww I'm sorry I was just checking to see if you were done ready." He replied as she nod walking up to him. His smiled grew wider then it turn into a smirk. "Happy one year anniversary babe." He said placing a kissed on her lips. "Happy one year anniversary baby." She replied kissing him back as he pick her up.

"I love you!" He whispered looking into her eyes. "I love you too." She replied kissing him on the lips softly. "Oh and baby check your phone I sent you something last night." She smirked getting down as she headed to sit on the couch scrolling on Tiktok. Kelly pull his phone out his pocket and open the video Stella sent him. He couldn't believe his eyes. He saw her playing with herself with the vibrator in her hand. The video was a minute long then he saw a message. 'Happy one year anniversary baby🥴🤣'

He turned looking at her as she took a glance over at him. "Your very naughty you know that?" He walked over to her as she got up heading to the kitchen to grab some juice but Kelly followed. "Stop, what are you doing?" She ask as he smirk. He chase her around the living room until her finally caught up to her. "I'm sorry." She laugh as he kissed her cheek. "Ooo your lucky we're leaving here soon if not you wouldn't been able to move at all." He wink as she laugh.

"Ooh I have a lot plan with you body once we get there." She smirk as she took the hoodie of. "Getting hot in here I see." He laugh. "Yeah well you wanted to chase me around of course I'm hot." She replied with a wink as he smiled. "The Ubers here." He said looking at his phone.

An hour later Kelly and Stella sat waiting for their flight number to be called. Stella was busy eating gummy bears and doing coupling Tiktoks and putting them in her tiktok drafts. Stella got a face time from Gabby as she picked up immediately.

"Hey girl happy anniversary!" She said as Stella smiled. "Aww thanks." She replied as they talked a few more minutes then Gabby fell asleep on the call. Stella immediately screenshot and giggled wishing it was her who would be sleeping right now.

Ten minutes pass, Kelly and Stella we're sitting on the plane about to take of. They put their phones on airplane mode as they buckled up. Soon after they plane took of and Stella record every second of it. They had a two hours and forty minute flight. Kelly held Stella's hand as she record the moment.

She put her hoodie on and laid on Kelly's arms falling asleep. He recorded on his phone before watching a movie. He later then fall asleep playing with Stella's hair.

"All passengers please put your seatbelts on we're about to land in New York." One of the flight attendance said which woke Stella and Kelly up. "Oh my goodness.. We're here already?" Stella whispered as they put on their seatbelts.

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