One month anniversary

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It's Stella and Kelly's one month anniversary today. They both decided to spend it at Molly's and at home in each other arms. After a long 24 hours of shift yesterday, they had today and tomorrow home. They headed out for Molly's and carpool with Shay.

Stella's POV~
I sat in the car smiling and thinking about life. Kelly turn to me and ask. "What are you smiling about princess?" He smirk as I smiled. "Oh nothing really just about life and how happy I am with you." I told him as he went in aww. "I love you!" He said placing his hand my thigh.  "Really?" I ask surprise as he nod. "I-I love you too!" I replied as he stop at the stop light lean over and kiss me.

"Wait wait.. You guys are together??" I heard Shay ask, I totally forgot that she was in the car so did Kelly. "I forgot you we're in here but yes we are, it's our one month anniversary today we're only going for a beer or two because I've planned a date night later." Kelly said as I rub his cheek as he kissed my hand. "Aww you guys congrats." Shay said as we thank her.

We soon arrive at Molly's. Kelly park his car as we walked behind Shay. "We have a date night later?" I ask curiously as he nodded. "Yeah movie date actually." He said as Shay open the door letting us in. Kelly headed to get us both beers as Shay headed to work behind the bar. Kelly came back as he sat infront me as he open my beer.

"Thank you." I told him as he smiled. "So what do you have plan for later?" I ask him as he look at me. "A movie,  popcorn, ice cream, cheesecake and a little something for after." He wink as I chuckled he rub my hand as I smiled. Later Shay made us both her special cocktail for us which made Capp pissed and asking who it was for and what was the occasion.

"Guys I made it for Stella and Kelly's one month anniversary today." She cheered as everyone stayed quite. I look over at Kelly who was already looking at me. "You guys aren't happy? Okay enough of the beef okay? It's Kelly and Stella's night be happy!" Shay said as they all cheered I heard everyone chanting for us to kiss.

Kelly got down and pulled me down with him pulling me into his chest. We kissed each other lips as everyone cheered, I felt a cold liquid on my skin as Kelly stick his tongue into my mouth. He pulled back a little as we kept our heads together heads together. I saw Casey walking over to us with Gabby on his arm. Uh oh trouble it is now.

"I'm sorry for the way I've treated you at work guys!" Casey said as Kelly and I look at each other and smiled. "It's okay, but in my opinion truck is better than squad." I wink at Kelly as he was about to say something but I place my finger on his lips. Casey chuckled as he ask to talk to me privately. 

"Hey Stella I wanted to apologize mean to hurt you or make you feel bad last week, see I've been upset ever since Kelly and my best friend's ex-wife slept together few years ago but anyways that was in the past, I guess seeing you with him I didn't want you to get hurt, I know you both would be the perfect couple since he didn't had a good relationship before but, Stella I love you like a sister and if there's anything you want just let me know." Casey said as I smiled. We hugged for a minute.

"Love you as a brother Casey after my siblings died in the car incident I didn't thought I would find someone to be close to me like a sibling." I said as he smiled. "Well I have your back sister, hope you have mines too." He said as I nod. "Of course I do. " I said as we hug once more.

Soon after Kelly kept asking me what Casey and I we're talking about. "Oh nothing really just him apologizing." I said as we walk to his car. We soon headed home as we took a shower together and headed to our room.

"So since your curious about what Casey told me here sit down." I tap the bed as he climb the bed next to me as I turned to him. "So?" He ask as I took a deep breath.

"Casey basically apologize for last week and stuff then he told me that he was upset ever since you slept with Darden's ex-wife few years ago and him seeing me with you he thought maybe you we're going to hurt me since you never really had a good relationship before.. He's like my brother Kelly, trying to protect me from getting hurt and.." Before I could say anymore Kelly kissed me deeply.

We stayed like that for a good minute as I pulled back. "What was that for?" I ask as he cup my cheek. "So I know Casey did like Darden's ex-wife and I did to so one night Casey and I went out drinking and party and I took this girl home and we had sex.. Then Casey took Darden's ex-wife home and  they made out I was so upset and yeah Casey and I we're beefing ever since." Kelly told me as I sighed thinking.

"Every girl you see you sleep with?" I ask as he nod. "And you didn't tell me?"  I ask as he rub my cheek. "I was a handsome dude literally any sexy girl would turn me on and when I  first saw you I wanted to grab you by your waist, kiss you and fuck you right there in that bathroom stall." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm being serious." He said as I roll my eyes for the second tine. "Any sexy girl you saw would turn you on? Any sexy girl?" She kept repeating the phrase as he pulled her close. "No need to be jealous bae your my beautiful sexy woman no one will take you from me your mines forever." He said as I smiled.

"Aww.." I smiled as he pulled me into his chest as we kissed. "So what movie are we going to watch?" I ask him as helook at me. "Your my movie god damn I want you all now." Kelly mumbled as I climb in his lap. He rub his hand up up and down my back as I kissed his neck right down to his chest.

I slowing took his shirt of as I kissed his hard rock chest, damn his 6 pack was so sexy. I kiss down to his waistline as I lick way back up. I then grab at hispants slowly beginning to open it as he groan. "Why are you moving so slow?" He ask as I smirk knowing he couldn't take my teases. I grab his bulge as I lick and bite it.

Soon enough we we're both naked. Making love to each other as few hours later we we're watching a movie and cuddling. Silence fill the room as I held my head up and look at Kelly who look down at me. I smiled before laying back down in his chest. "What you looking at sweetheart?" He ask as I giggle. "Nothing I just thought you we're asleep." I hold back up my head as I kiss him. He smiled as we chuckled through the kiss. Not knowing what were laughing at.

"Hmm round two?" He ask as I look at him. "Yeah definitely but I want ice cream." I straddle in his lap as I felt him get hard. "Your gonna have to control yourself baby." I said as he smirk. "Not when it comes to you though." He wink as I chuckled. I put his shirt on as he smack my butt.  "Ow, what was that for?" I ask he grab my hand. "Only my hand mark is suppose to be on your ass." He said as I rolled my eyes giggling.

I head downstairs to Shay making out with Clarice her girlfriend. "Oh my god Shay!" I said as they pulled the sheet on each other. I quickly grab the ice cream and a spoon before running back upstairs. I felt a hand around my waist and a hand on my mouth. I kick the door close as Kelly began to kiss my neck. "I love to hear your ankle bracelet jiggle it turns me on." He whispered. "Just starring at you turns me on." I told him as he grab the ice cream and spoon before placing them in the mini fridge in his room.

He slid his shirt that I was wearing of as I jump into his arms. He fell back onto the bed as we made out till midnight.

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