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Later that night Stella was about to leave to go at Molly's when suddenly Grant caught her arm and started to beat her. She had a red mark on her cheek.

"Grant stop!" She cried in pain as he strip her down nakedly. Beating her up.

"NO! Your are mines and I'm going to make you mines!" He said slapping her bum. He ended up raping her on the spot.

Stella notice blood running down her legs and she quickly heading to the bathroom cleaning up herself.

She threw her clothes on before grabbing her phone and purse. She headed out the apartment but Grant tried to stop her to apologize but left quickly.

She got in her car and headed to Molly's. She had gotten the location from Kelly.

When she arrive Kelly greeted her with a hug. He saw the bruise on her cheek an brush his hand against it. Stella winch in pain as Kelly looked at her.

"What happened there? Did someone it you? Don't lie I can tell that, that is a hit mark." He replied as she shake her head no.

"Eh I felt something crawling on my face and I slap it.." She lied hoping Kelly would believe her but obviously he didn't. He took her over to the bar at he got them both a beer. He asks Herrmann for ice which he place on Stella's cheek.

"You didn't have to Kelly." She replied as he smiled. "Your my friend I care about you." Stella smiled at his words. She sip her beer as her and Kelly talked about theirselves.

"I enjoyed your company Kelly." She smiled as he look into her brown eyes and smiled back. "I enjoyed your company too Stella." They continue to stare into each other eyes as Stella blink. "I'm going to the restroom." She said getting down leaving her phone on the table.

Her phone start to ring and Kelly look to see the caller ID 'Grant/ Husband' Kelly was shocked he didn't know Stella was married the her said 'ping' he read the message from Grant. "I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to hit you." Kelly sat there silent. The mark on Stella's cheek was from her husband.

He spotted Stella coming back as he smiled as she sat back down. "So tomorrow is shift I better get going." She said finishing up her beer. "Please stay one more beer?" He ask as she nod. He got two more beers for him and Stella. They both drank their beers as Stella got down.

"I really enjoyed talking to you Kelly, have a good night and see you tomorrow." She kissed his check as he blushed. "Good night, see you tomorrow." He smiled as Stella walked out of Molly's getting in her car and going home.

Shay and Gabby looked over to a red Kelly who look at them confuse. "Severide aren't you married?" Ask Shay as he nodded. "Yeah but there's something about Stella.. I can't stop thinking about her." Kelly replied.

"She's a smart beautiful lady." Said Gabby as Kelly agreed. "So what you gonna do about Brittany?" Shay ask as Kelly sighed and shrug. "You better do something about Brittany Kelly if you decide to keep her I might as well take Stella out myself." Shay wink at him as he rolled his eyes.

"Your not going to do that Shay, Stella is married to some jerk who hit her." Kelly replied.

"Grant?" Gabby ask as he nodded.

"Yes he's a pain in the ass he got her pregnant when she was in high school but she later then lost the baby." Gabby replied as Kelly looked shocked. Gabby explained more about Grant and Kelly had enough.

"When I see that jerk I'll kill him." Kelly said angrily as Gabby and Shay looked at him.

"I agree I'll kill him too." Shay replied.

Next day on shift Stella walked in the firehouse with a plaster on her cheek. Kelly saw and immediately headed to question her about it.

"Stella what happened to your face?" Kelly brush his thumb across her cheek.

"Nothing I just hurt myself that's all." Stella replied looking up at him. "Don't lie I know someone is doing this to you." Stella's mouth drop as he took her hand as they headed to his office.

"Hey talk to me I can keep a secret, your my friend and I care about you." Kelly kissed her bruise cheek. "I care about you too Kelly.. Ahem Severide." She said as he smiled.

"Call me Kelly no one is around." He place his hand on her thigh as she explained everything to him. How she had a husband that beats and rapes her constantly.

"Aww Stella I'm sorry he does that to you.. Dawson told me he gotten you pregnant in high school, we're worried about you. Can't you leave him?" Kelly ask as she look up at him.

"If I leave we're would I stay? Who will comfort me when I have nightmares? I hardly eat and sleep it's like each week I lose 10 pounds." Stella sniff as Kelly hold her close.

"I'll be there for you, you can stay at Shay's place." Kelly told her as she raise her eyebrow in confusion. "Why can't I stay with you?" She ask as he stood silent.

Before he could reply the bells went of for squad. He got up and headed to his rig he was studying a way to tell Stella that he was married.

Later that day truck came back inside from running drills. Stella spotted a lady from distance walking up to the firehouse holding a box. "Hey can I help you?" Stella ask as she look at her.

"No thanks I know my way around I way around, I'm just taking these to my husband." She replied with a smile as Stella nod. Who could she be marry too?

Brittany headed inside as everyone greeted her. "Hey babe." She greeted Kelly with a kiss as he look confuse. "Hey you didn't tell me you we're coming." Kelly replied placing a kiss on her lips. Few seconds later, Stella walked in and was completely shocked. The woman that just walk pass her a second ago was Kelly's wife. Stella was now starting to fall in love with Kelly now he's taken? She feels devastated.

Stella ignored them both before heading to get a cup of coffee. Kelly sat in the chair by the table as he started to stare at Stella. Brittany came at sat on his lap as she started to give everyone a donut but the only one who refused to take one was Stella.

Kelly introduce Brittany to everyone as his wife as they all cheered and congratulated them both. Stella stood there in shock as her and Kelly stared at each other. Stella walked away to the bunk room as she began to read her book sipping her coffee.

Kelly came to check up on her. "Hey.." Before he could talk Stella cut him of. "Why didn't you tell me that you were married? I kissed you on your cheek at Molly's you could of told me!" Stella said in her eyes she was hurt. She started to catch feelings for Kelly.

"I- I'm sorry I didn't tell you, you were hurt and going through a lot but I wanted to be there for you I thought maybe you wouldn't let me near you since I was married." Kelly said as he tried to cup her cheek. She push his hand away as he look at her shock.

"No don't touch me Severide, this is why you wanted me to move in with Shay and not you because you are married I'll stay in my relationship thank you very much." Stella said as she got up.

"I'm not going to let you stay in that relationship Stella, he hurt you to much and I'm not going to let him continue to treat you like that, you always make up stories to tell me but I know now he hits you the bruise hand mark on your cheek the slice open on your cheek, Stella you can't fool me." Kelly said as she began to tear up.

Kelly had a crush on Stella since the first day she arrived but he was married, he decided to tell Brittany how he really felt about Stella.

Unforgettable Love~ A Stellaride Love Story Where stories live. Discover now