Look Kelly..

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Kelly and Stella we're officially dating for almost a year now and they both we're going to spend the weekend in New York.

"I can't believe next week is our one year anniversary babe." Kelly said as Stella smiled. "I know right I can't believe it either." Stella replied as she zip her suitcase up. "I wanted next week to be special." He told her as her eyes widen. "Oh really? What do you have in mind?" She ask him as he grab her hands. "It's for me to know and you to find out." He kissed her cheek as he mock what she had told him last night.

"Don't be using my words son." She said as Kelly smiled at her. "Your words are my words." He chuckled as he sat on the bed watching her pack. "Damn I can't believe your mines." He smack her butt making her jump a little before letting out a chuckle. "Yes Kelly I'm yours." She said turning to him with a smile.

He lean in for a kiss as she place her hands on each side of his face. "Your my soulmate gosh I wish I met you sooner we would be married by now." Kelly chuckle as Stella look into his eyes. "I don't ever want to get married again though.. Not after what I've been through.." She whispered as Kelly's face expression change he was shocked at what Stella said. He wanted to marry her one day, he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life and hearing her say she didn't want to get married again made him sad.

Stella's words kept replaying in Kelly's head over and over again. Kelly got a notification on his phone the Uber was five minutes away. He was to shock to move. Stella felt kinda bad she didn't mean to hurt him. She grab his hands and looking into his sadden teary blue ocean eyes and rub his cheek. "Look Kelly.." She was about to speak but Kelly cut her off. "Hey it's okay if you don't want to get married.. I understand." He look into her eyes as he sniff.

"But that's not what I was going to say.." She mumbled as he sighed. "Let's not talk about it anymore yeah?" He drop her hands as he stood. Stella stood complete still she plop herself onto the bed as she grab a pillow burying her face into the pillow and groaned in it. "Stella the Uber is here." She heard Kelly shouted from the living room and she completely ignored him. He was now calling her by her name.

Kelly walked into the bedroom and sat next to Stella. "I don't want to go you can leave without me." She said as he looked at her. "Stella.. I'm sorry if my words hurt you." He whispered as he pick her up placing her in his lap. She covered her face with her hands as Kelly rub her back. "Let's go on this trip please I'm not going if your not." He said as he moved her hands as she fight him. She got of him as she back up against the wall. "I'm not leaving.. So you go I'm not going anymore." She said as she walk out of the room.

Few hours later, Kelly cancelled Stella and his trip to New York. Stella didn't talk to him since telling him she wasn't going to New York. She slept in the guess room and Kelly was a little pissed at himself. He softly knock on the door not hearing anything but she sighed. "What do you want Kelly?" She ask as he took a deep breath in. "I'm going out to have a smoke with Casey, I'll be back in a few hours." He said as Stella stood and open the door and he look down at her.

"Can you sleep with me please I feel lonely without you." He whispered as she rolled her eyes about to close the door as he pushed it open. He spotted her pink vibrator in the bed. "Kelly.. I'm staying in here by myself so leave please." He said as she push him out closing the door then she lock it. He then remember seeing the vibrator on her bed his mind switch to what she was doing with it. He picture her naked and his making love to her. His thoughts disappeared as he heard Stella moaned. He turned back and stood by the door listening. "Ooo yess.. Fuck.. Ahh.." She moaned.

Kelly was getting turned on but the door was lock, he would of kick the door down but he didn't. Casey texted him that he was outside and he quickly left. He headed downstairs and got into Casey's truck. "Sup man?" He ask as Kelly close the door. "I screwed up man, I told her that if I had met her sooner we would be married by now but she told me she doesn't want to get married again so I cancel the trip because I wasn't going without her." Kelly continue to told Casey what had happened as he took him to a club.

Seeing all the girls dancing on poles as a girl walked over to Kelly and grab his shirt. "Hey handsome wanna get out of here?" She ask as he turned to her. "Sorry no I have a girlfriend." He told her as he got down heading outside sending a message to Stella telling her to come for him since Casey was to busy talking to girls. He didn't feel comfortable. Stella ended up coming for Kelly and he spilled his guts in the car telling her everything about these girls coming up to him.

"No no let's go back there and show them that your mines." She said as she did a U turn driving back to the club as they headed inside as Stella order some drinks as a girl came up to Kelly asking him for his number. "I'm sorry but I have a girlfriend." He told her as she sighed. "Come on a one night stand won't hurt." She said as Stella came over with the drinks as she kissed Kelly's neck. The girl gaps  and was going to kiss Kelly but he grab Stella's cheek and kiss her lips softly. The girl gaps again and left upset. Stella pulled back as Kelly looked into her eyes. She drank her alcohol before looking over to see Casey.

"Why are you here?" She ask him as he shrug. "Casey brought me here to clear my head I guess." He said as she sighed. "Well I guess I'll go now." She told him leaving as before she could exit the club he grab her hand. "I know people come and go but I don't want you to come and go." Kelly told Stella as she look up into his eyes. He smiled and took her hands into his as she smiled. "I loved when you said that I was yours and I'll be yours forever." He told her as he leaned in and kissed her. He told Casey that he was leaving and Casey decided to leave too.

"I'm sorry about bringing up the whole marriage thing." He told her as she smiled. "It's okay let's go home watch a movie and cuddle." She said as he nod. He grab her hand as they headed back to her car before driving back to their apartment.

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