Feelings for Stella

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Two months had pass and Stella and Kelly we're extremely close. Kelly didn't feel the spark between him and Brittany anymore. His stomach would tense up and get butterflies whenever he saw Stella. Brittany knew Kelly had a thing for Stella and she was happy for him. She knew she couldn't give him a proper relationship or child.

Kelly's POV~
I feel bad for not paying attention to my wife, Brittany. Stella was always on my mind and I couldn't't stop thinking about her. Maybe I'm crazy but I've been craving her lips for weeks. After her and Grant divorce Stella stay at Shay's place. One morning I found Shay kissing Stella on her cheek and I admit, I started to feel jealous.

I woke up not to long ago and found Brittany laying next to me on her phone. "Morning." I told her before kissing her lips. It's been weeks since I last did that. "Morning." She replied as I strip down heading to the bathroom.

I felt hands running up my chest kissing my neck. I turn to see it was Brittany. I kissed her lips as we made out for a little bit in the shower. I finish up in the bath as I headed to get dress. "Alright Brit, I'm out!" I shouted from the living room. "Bye love you!" She said as I quickly left without saying love you too.

I open the keys to my car door getting in before driving of to the firehouse. I park my car grab my bag and started walking up to go in the firehouse. Shay wasn't joking when she said she would take Stella out. I saw them walking up to the firehouse talking and laughing with their arms link.

I headed to the locker room and heard a door slam. I walk around to see Stella there leaning against her locker. I stood next to her as she look at me and smile and I smile back. I lean in for a kiss as the bells went of for Truck, squad and ambo.
I saw Stella cleaning her face and doing back her pony tail. I headed close to her as I push her against her locker as I kissed her cheek. I was about to kiss her neck when Brittany appeared behind us. "Kelly..?" She ask as I quickly turned. "Hey babe.. What are you doing here?" I ask shocked and confused. "Just decided to stop by to say a quick hello." She replied starring at me then I heard Stella close her locker door as she look at Brittany. "Nice seeing you Brittany.." She said softly before walking away.

"Are you serious right now? You been cheating behind my back Kelly?" She ask shocked as I look at her confuse. "What no, Stella's my best friend I just give her a kiss on the cheek nothing to sexual." I replied as she nod. "What if I didn't came here you would of kissed her you know I've noticed things change between us, you don't get turned on anymore and when I mentioned Stella's name you get a bulge in your pants, Kelly I know your in love with her and I can see that." She said with tears in her eyes. She wasn't exactly wrong, actually I was starting to develop hard feelings for Stella. But she was so damn hard to get.

We talk for a little bit more I kept praying for the bells to ring and it did. I give her a small kiss on the lips before running out the locker room. I made my way to the firetruck as I saw Stella getting ready. "Everything good, lieutenant?" I heard her ask as I nodded. She smiled before climbing up and closing the door. Otis soon drove of, I couldn't help but get turned of again. I don't know why why but this has never happened to me before.

Soon after shift I caught up with Stella and told her every thing that happened in the locker room it was just a friendly kiss. "I know and I don't feel the same way about you, your married." She said as I got upset hearing her say she wasn't into me. "Yeah yeah I get that.." I replied as I walked of. I tried to get Stella out of my mind but nothing was working.. I headed home and make out with Brittany but Stella just came back in my head which got me turn on more and Brittany thought I was getting turned of for her.

I laid in bed thinking about Stella and sent a long paragraph to Shay telling her about my feelings for Stella she told me to shoot my shot but what if I miss? I laid there as I got dressed. I told Brittany I was going to Shay's as she needed me, I knew it wasn't right to lie to her. I soon turn up to Shay's place, opening the door as I still had the key and saw her eating some ice cream. "Very early to be eating ice cream." I said with a slight chuckle. "So what are you going to do? You have feelings for Stella, your married and you don't want to lose Brittany." Shay said trying to avoid the subject I just nodded and she continue to talk.

I found myself getting shouted at back at home. "Kelly I knew you were in love with her and I totally support your decision.. That's why I'm leaving Chicago and going back home to my sister." She said taking of the ring. "No babe you keep it." I replied as I sniff wiping my tears. She walk up to me and kiss my lips softly. I look into her eyes and smiled. We kissed once more as she walked to the door with her suitcase. She give me back my key and open the door. "Goodbye Kelly thank you for being there for me when I needed someone to lean on, I will never forget you." She said wiping her tears and just like that she left. I place my hands on my head as I watch her leave.

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