Stella's past

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Kelly's POV~
Stella and I we're looking for an apartment for a few weeks, until we finally found one. Today we we're finally moving in. It took us couple hours to get everything inside the apartment and unpack. After Stella and I finally unpack the last box we plop ourselves onto the couch.

"All of that hard work we definitely need pizza." Said Stella as I laid in her lap. "Pepperoni please." I said as she played with my hair. "Of course that's my favorite pizza." She said as she begun to plaite my hair. "What are you doing? I don't want my hair do." I told her as she look into my eyes. "I'm just twisting it." She said as I smiled.  I sat up as I headed to grab her comb, brush and gel.

"What are you doing with those?" She ask as I smiled. I sat next to her as I pulled her into my lap. I began to part her hair into four parts, which took me so long to part. "Do you even know how to plaite?" I heard her ask as I nod. "Remember I told you that Brittany had a pregnancy scare? Or so I thought." I told her as she look at me confuse. "Oh you never told me first time you ever mentioning it." She replied as my eyes widen.

"Oh well that had to be Shay then, Brittany had a pregnancy scare back then after we got married.. She told me we we're having a baby but we weren't so she told me she wasn't pregnant.. I was kinda upset because I always wanted a mini me or a mini girl. So the day she left she then told me couldn't get pregnant." I told Stella as she rub my cheek.

"It's okay pregnancy is a big part in a female's life well some people can get pregnant some not, Shay told me she wanted to have a baby and you we're her donor but it never work out for her." She said as I nod.

"She always wanted a baby since Clarice but she left Shay for some dude, I wonder how's the baby he's my little buddy." I told her as her face change.

"What?" I ask as she look at me. "Nothing just you never told me.." She mumbled. "Are you jealous? I mean we can have a baby of our own one day." I told her as her eyes widen. "Oh really?" She ask as I nod. "Let's go order some donuts, slushies and let's celebrate our first day here." I said as she nodded.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you.." I whispered as I grab her hands. "I have something to tell you too Kelly.." I look at her confuse as she turned to me. "Remember I told you about Grant and I..? After.. He um.. Rape me.. I was.. actually.. expecting a baby.. He got me pregnant and force me to lose the baby.. And I know I wouldn't be a great mother, I did drugs and slept around with Grant's best friend.. Tyler.." She said with tears in her eyes.

I sat there shock as I pulled her into my chest as she cried. "Tyler was my best friend since high school and he made me shame in front of Grant in school and told him I smelt bad, I was always a clean person but Tyler decided to plant dog shit in my bag.." She wipe her tears in my shirt as I rub her back. "Baby, don't cry I know you don't smell bad and.." Before I could finish she place her finger on my lip which she was telling me to hush.

"I know you probaby don't like me anymore I did drugs at 15 repeated grades and almost got kick out of school.. I somethings hate myself.. For all the stuff I did and.." I cut her of.

"Hey no I will always love you and let's talk later ok.. Let's go order some donuts." I told her as she nodded smiling. I headed to order some donuts from Dunkin. Stella order the slushies. I know we agreed on a pepperoni pizza so I ordered a box too. About fifteen minutes pass and our food arrive. Stella open the door and picked everything up from the door mat. She placed it on the kitchen counter as she turned to me with tears. I walk over to her and pulled her into my chest.

I started to rub her she broke down. I kiss her head as I walked over to the couch with Stella in my lap as she continue to cry. "I was such a bad kid I paid for Grant's drugs with my own money, fuck his best friend five times and it backfire on me because Tyler told him everything and Grant ended up raping me and Tyler joined also. I waited to long to tell the police now Grants in jail and Tyler isn't. Gosh if he comes any where around me I'll kill him." I heard her said as I chuckled. "You have me to help with that too and I'm sorry all that happened to you a beautiful lady like you don't deserve to be treated like that I know it's hard but I'm with you everyday and I'll hold your hand and I'll hold you in my arms if you need someone to lean on I'm here for you every step of the way." I told her as she wipe her eyes.

"You really mean that?" She ask as I nodded. "Of course your my girlfriend now aren't you? That's why I'm here to love you, to hold you in good times and bad." I told her as I remember Brittany's and I wedding. "Don't they say that when your getting married?" She ask as I nod. She got up wiping her eyes as I look at her. "Come let's eat and talk about something else." She said as I stood picking her up. I couldn't help but feel jealous of what Stella said she slept around with other guys I wish they were me.

"Are you okay?" I heard her ask as she kissed me snapping me out of my thoughts. I place her on the counter top as I open the donut box. "Kelly..?" She said softly as I look into her eyes. "Hmm?" She look confuse. "You didn't answer my question." She replied. What questioned I thought to myself. "Hm what? What questioned?" I ask as she took a deep breath. "I ask you if you we're okay." She said as I just scan her body with my eyes. "Nothing I'm okay.." I lied as she pulled me in front of her as she wrap her legs around my waist. "Don't lie to me tell me what is wrong." She said as I sighed.

"You said you slept around with a lot of guys and I felt jealous.. I wish they were me." I said as she laugh. "But Kelly you had more ex's then me they were just guys who I slept with for fun not because I love them like I said the Grant and Tyler stuff wasn't suppose to happen they make out with me without my consent I didn't want to have sex with them it wasn't my intention for that to happen but it did." She said as I look at her. "I still feel jealous though." I replied as she sighed. She got down and twerk on me. "Fuck!" I mumbled as I started to get hard instantly. "There's a lot of things I do to you that I never did to them." She said turning to face me. I fix myself as Stella chuckled.

"And why did you do that in front of me?" She whispered in my ear kissing my neck. "You saw every inch of my body already you can see anything." I moaned loudly as as push me against the counter. She left a hickey on my neck. "God damn." I whispered as she pulled back looking at me. "Why'd you stop?" I ask as she look at me. "Because I want to eat." She replied grabbing a donut taking a bite as I watched her. I bite the side that she was holding before taking the rest. I saw her mouth drop as she grab my neck kissing me I ended up dropping the donut on the floor as I pick her up heading to our bedroom where we made out.

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