Tuff call

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Kelly's POV~
I stood in the kitchen of the firehouse pouring myself a cup of coffee when I heard Capp and Stella running in shouting for me. "Lieutenant, your car is on fire!" They said at the same time. "What!?" I shouted back dropping my coffee on the ground as I ran pass them both headed to see Mills, Tony and Cruz putting out the fire. "Very sorry lieutenant but your cars done." Herrmann said as I look back at Stella who look over at me shock. "How did this happen?" She ask as I look at her angrily. "How I'm I suppose to know?" I was pissed, how was I supposed to know who set the fire. She rolled her eyes walking back into the firehouse.

"What happen here lieutenant?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I turn to see it was Jeff Clarke one of my high school classmates. "My car was on set fire." I replied heading to investigate my car as I smelt gasoline. "Son of a bitch.." I mumbled as Cruz stood next to me. "What happen lieutenant?" He ask as I look at him. "Someone set gasoline and set it on fire." I told him we looked at each other.

I headed inside to tell chief that someone started a fire in my car when I saw Stella in the bullpen talking to Connie. "Hey can we talk?" I ask as she look at me and look of. "Can't you see I'm already in a conversation lieutenant." She said rolling her eyes as I ignored her and headed to talk to chief closing the door behind me. I had to mind Hadley was behind all of this since he had it out for me everything since he left. I told chief everything and he called Voight telling him everything.

I headed to apologize to Stella but she was gone by time I left Boden's office. I look every where for her but couldn't find her so I decided to head to my office to lay down that's when I found Stella there. "I was looking for you what are you doing here?" I ask as she look up at me she was sitting in my chair. "Nothing really just thought I should apologize." She replied as I close the door. "I should apologize because I shouted at you I was upset cause my car was on fire good thing I have another copy of my insurances papers and stuff." I said as Stella smiled. "I can help you buy another car if you like in the meantime if we get a call I'll have Otis drop me back at the apartment so I can get my car." She said as I nod. "Good thinking babe." I replied before leaning for a kiss. The bells went of for all units. Kelly and I ran out of his office. "Sounds like a big fire Kidd." I smirked as she kissed me. "You be safe okay?" She said as I nod. "You too, Kidd you too." I wink as she got in the truck smirking at me as I watch truck pulled away soon enough we were behind them.

It was a big apartment fire and I recognize the car in front the entrance it was Hadley's. Casey give orders to his men and I could of see Stella starring at me. "Kidd go with Severide." I heard Casey shout as Stella ran over to me. "Don't think because I'm your girlfriend you get to go easy on me." She wink as I laugh shaking my head. I give orders to my men before tagging Stella as my partner. "Your with me Kidd." We mask up before heading inside. Stella and I took the elevator up to the apartment. We heard cries and screams as we look at each other. Stella turn and kick the door down as we headed inside. "Fire Department call out!" Stella shouted. "Help! Over here!" A lady cried out as Stella ran over to her. "Hey we're going to get you out of here." Stella said as I scan the room. "He's going to kill my sons." She said before blocking out. "Hey stay with me." Stella cup her cheek before using the safety rope and tied it around the lady's chest. She started to drag her out of the room as I followed.

"Hey you good?" I ask as she nodded. "Come back up here yeah?" I told her as she headed downstairs. I search the room calling out for fire department when I saw the young boy the lady was talking about he was unconscious laying on the bed. But there was another one, I spotted a man in the next room pouring gasoline all over the floor.. It was Hadley. "Why are you here Hadley?? So it was you all along God I knew it, I was right." I shouted as he pointed his gun at me. I held my hands up as he laugh mischievously. "You were right but no one will believe you once I kill you." He said smirking as he pulled the trigger. "Hadley you wouldn't do this, now get some help, I'll help you get better." I said as he drop the match. "Any last words?" He ask laughing as he shot the gun of. "Severide!" Was all I heard before a full force push me back on the ground. I didn't know what happened next. I suddenly woke up. Stella was on top of me smiling. I heard screams as Stella quickly got off me. I notice Hadley was on fire. Stella help me put fire out using our gloves. We got Hadley out but the building then I remembered the other kid. I was about to run back inside but I heard chief and Stella shouting my name.

"Severide!" Stella ran and pulled me back as they building exploded. I fell back on Stella as squad ran over to us.  They help me up as I look back at Stella who was looking up at me, confuse. "Please tell me you were joking running back in there." She said as I held her hand giving it a tight squeeze before pulling her into a hug. "I can't lose you already Kelly not just yet." I heard her say as I look into her eyes. "I was going back in there because I never found the other child, remember she said sons? There was another kid but I didn't find him." I said as Kelly walk over to the mom asking if there was another kid. "Yes my other little boy, where is he? Did you not find him?" She panic. "I'm afraid not ma'am we search the whole room and we didn't see him." Stella said as the lady grab Stella's bucker jacket and broke down into her arms. "No no no tell me your lying!" She scream as Stella wrap her arms around the lady. Once 51 put out the fire we went back inside to check to see if we found the other boy.

"Hey.. Severide.. Your gonna wanna see this.." Stella said as I walk over to her. The same room Hadley was about to kill me, he was there behind the bed brunt to only his bones we're there. "This is all my fault, I saw something behind here and I never check." I said I was so upset. "Kelly the fire was blazing, someone stood the bed up to the wall, it was not your fault I check behind here and I didn't even see him either." Stella said as I got angry punching a wall before stormed out. Back at the firehouse chief took the firehouse out of service for everyone to take a break. I lock my office door and started to cry.

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