Gosh I'm so in love with you

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Kelly and Stella woke up around 3:30 for there 4:30 flight. They showered together got ready and took a taxi to the airport. They went through security, got a light breakfast from McDonald's and ate quickly.

Kelly kept thinking about Shay and the fact that she was pregnant. Stella look up at him seeing that he was daydreaming. "Kelly I know your quite surprised and disappointed but- Stella started to speak then Kelly cut her of. "I'm not disappointed Stella I'm pissed, you know what's seeing someone else living your dream." Kelly replied as Stella sighed placing her head in her hands.

"I know you really want a kid but are you sure your ready?" She ask as he look at her like she was crazy. "Of course I'm ready I've been for a very long time." He said as Stella thought to herself. "Can we wait though? I mean I've only been at 51 for a year I don't want to leave so soon.." Stella said looking at Kelly. "No I'll be fine maybe Shay would like me to be a part of her baby's life, I'm sure she'll let you too." Kelly said as Stella nod. "Of course she will your her best friend, let's get out of here before our plane number get called and we miss our flight." Stella said as Kelly nodded in agreement.

As the plane touch done in Chicago, Stella called Gabby to get her and Kelly from the airport since she offered to. Gabby arrived ten minutes later and took Stella and Kelly home talking about their flight and how amazing it was. Once the couple arrive home they thank Gabby got the ride and headed inside heading straight to their bed. They laid there all cuddle up and fell asleep to 4:15 that same evening.

Day later on shift, Kelly and Stella walked in together holding each other hands. "Oh there's Shay let's go talk to her." Stella said as she look up at Kelly. "I have to go to my office sorry." He replied trying to avoid Shay as much as possible. "No I'm not going to let you keep avoiding your best friend Kelly." She said as Shay caught up to them. "Hey guys!" She ran to Stella first and hugged her tightly. "Hey, ow ow aren't you going to hurt the baby?" Ask Stella as Shay pulled back before kissing Stella's cheek.

"Hey your taking this to far." Said Kelly as he watched upset. Shay turn to give him a hug but he pulled back. "No Shay I'm your best friend how could you not tell me you went back to the doctor and they told you that you we're okay to keep trying now your pregnant I didn't even know any of that." Kelly said heartbroken, Shay just rub his cheek and give him a big long hug as he close his eyes laying his chin on her shoulder.

Stella walked away as Kelly walked up to her grabbing her hand he pulled her into his chest and kissed her deeply. Squad watching in disbelief as Capp shouted. "Guys, get a room will you!" He said as Kelly quickly pulled back turning red in embarrassment. Stella just laugh and roll her eyes at Capp's statement. She continue to walk into the firehouse as she headed to put down her bag. Kelly did the same as he walked over to Stella who was about to take her promise ring of.

"No!" He shouted grabbing her hand. "Why, can't go in fires with this." She replied as he grab her waist. "I want you to sit on me and kiss like you haven't before." Kelly said as Stella close her locker door. She bend over in front him as she rub her butt against Kelly's crotch area. "Damn all that ass, no wonder you turn me on all the time." He gaps as her twerks started to get a little more intense. Moving her hips in a 360° angle as Kelly grab her waist pulling her into his office. Closing every blind as he sat in his chair as Stella continued to twerk on him a little. She turn to him grabbing a firm grip on his shirt as she kissed him.

"No one ever got turned on as much as you do baby we literally have sex almost every day because of you." Stella said looking into Kelly's eyes. "You excite me that's why." He smiled as she stood looking at him. "Well you better start controlling yourself buddy because we're not going to be making out everyday." She replied as his smiled faded. "Aren't you going to need this to get pregnant?" He ask as Stella look down at his bludge before looking back in his eyes.

"Yeah but I'm not going to get pregnant yet I'm still thinking about it but once I'm done thinking I'll let you know okay?" She said as he nodded. She kissed his lips softly before pulling back. Alarms went of blaring for squad. Kelly kissed Stella once more heading to his rig. Stella headed back to the apparatus floor as she saw Shay and Gabby talking. "Hey girls." Stella said as the girls look back at her. "Hey have a seat." Shay said as Stella sat in the middle of them. "So how was New York?" Gabby ask as Stella look at her. "It was fun actually." She said trying to hide her ring. "In bed with Kelly all day yeah?" Shay chuckled as Stella nodded.

"Hey something you want to talk about?" Ask Shay as she place her hand on Stella's thigh giving it a slight rub. "Kelly talked about marriage.. I don't want to be treated the same way I was treated in my abusive relationship with Grant I can't.. I can't risk it." Stella said wiping her tears. "Stella.. Kelly is a good guy doesn't he treats you well like an angel?" Shay ask as Stella nodded. "He does but I do love him a lot, I see a future with him but Shay you know how I looked before, I've got with Kelly.. I trust him but I don't think.." Stella said as Shay cut her of.

"No your going to marry him Stella, Kelly talks about you all the time even when he was with Brittany he thought and talk about you like a kid who lost there parent in a grocery store he's mad crazy about you, I see how he looks at you and I see the way you look at him too." Shay smiled as I look over to her.

"Yeah girl you haven't been in a relationship since Grant and I know you weren't happy with him, I've know you since high school Stella we are best friends our mom's were best friends I can tell if your happy in a relationship and your happy with Kelly as Shay said I see the way you two look at each and it's couple goals it shows how much you guys are in love and Kelly hadn't had a good relationship in his life, if he does ask you to marry him what are you going to say? Kelly was there every step of the way he never left your side Stella that man loves you to death." Gabby smiled over to Stella as she let out a deep sighed.

"I love him too and I'll think about it.." Stella told them as they look at her with a look of confusion. "Okay fine I'll marry him when he asks me, gosh I'm so in love with him I can't picture life without him I just want to give him everything a baby he's been asking for, to get married everything I'm going to give him everything!" She blurted out as squad pulled up. "Oh my gosh yes she admitted it, I knew you loved him he's better than Grant for sure." Gabby wink over to her best friend.

"Now go tell him how you really feel about him." Shay said as Stella stood taking a deep breath. "I'll let you girls know what he says." She told them before heading inside. Stella saw Kelly about to close his office door. "Hey." She shouted as he turn to her. "Yeah?" He replied confuse. "Can we talk?" She  ask as he nod. "Don't need to ask to talk you know, I thought you were with Dawson and Shay?" He ask as Stella nod. "I was but I wanted to tell you something." She told him as he nodded letting me in before closing the door.

"So you know how you've been saying you want this or that and I would say I'll think about it?" Stella said as Kelly nodded confused. "And you want a baby and want to get married? Well I thought about it and I want to have all those things with you, a baby a marriage I want to be with you forever Kelly I know I've been telling you about Grant and I relationship and I want to put that in the pass and move on with my life you've been always there for me and I'll make sure to be always there for you, I love you a lot Kelly!" Stella said with a smile on my face.

She saw Kelly look down at her quitely. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that, Stella Kidd. I want to spend the rest of my life with you married, with babies and you of course I can't imagine my life without you and I love you too a lot.." He whispered as I wasted no time. She placed her lips on his as she felt him grab her cheek. "Gosh I'm so in love with you." Kelly whispered against my lips. "I'm in love with you too." Stella whispered back as he push her against the way with his hand firmly on her neck. Stella took Kelly's tongue into her mouth before sucking on it.

They made out in his office for a little bit before the bells went of for all units.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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