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Stella laid nakedly in her and Kelly's bed fidgeting with her promise ring. Kelly's words replayed in her head. 'None of them were special except one.' She thought to herself who could be that one. Was it her? She roll over to a peaceful Kelly sleeping on his stomach and his face buried in the pillow.

She wanted to get up but her man's arm was around her stomach holding her close to him. She tried her best to get out of his grip but he she ended up waking him up. "Where you going?" Kelly ask groggily as he hold his head up looking at Stella with his eyes half open. "To start breakfast and go look out on the balcony." She said looking up at him. "No stay here." He said pulling her closer as he close his eyes.

"Kelly let me go." Stella said knowing she wanted to make herself upset so Kelly would ask her what wrong and it did work. "What happened baby?" He ask as he laid on his side pulling her on her side to face him. She looked into his eyes before looking away. "Remember last night you said that none of your ex's we're special to you except one?" She ask as he nod. "Well who is it then?" She ask again as Kelly cup her cheek.

"Hey look at me." He whispered as she look up at him. "She isn't my ex she was just a fling, do you know April Sexton over at med?" He ask as she nodded. "Well she's special to me because she was there for me in high school, she always use to let me crash at her place when my parents had arguements and stuff.. My dad wasn't the best and always told me that I'll turn out to be just like he and my mom thought so too.. I would sleep with every other girl since I was nineteen, I mean girls couldn't resist me and you can't resist me either." Kelly smirk as Stella nudge his shoulder.

He chuckled as she wipe the tear from his cheek. "Of course I can't resist you Kelly especially when you look that fine and don't expect me to do nothing." Stella wink as Kelly laugh. "I know I'm hot and you are too one of the sexiest women I've ever had in my bed." He wink as she roll her eyes. "I'm serious you really are." He wink. Stella chuckled a little before a question went through her mind.

"Your kind of a whore you know that? Nailing every girl since you we're 19 is crazy." She look at him as he sighed. So why aren't any of them pregnant? Your still young you can release you know." She wink as he look into her eyes. A baby? He would love to have a baby some day with Stella. "Yeah well it didn't happen so let's not talk about that." He replied. The thought of a baby made his mind race.

"No need to get all rude about it though, just saying you had half the women in Chicago in your bed already definitely surprise if I'm the last." She wink before sitting up. She cover the sheet around her self as Kelly just stare at her.

"Why are your teasing me about it though? Hell yeah your the last chick I'm nailing in my bed your the sexiest female firefighter out there any guy would want to pin you down in there bed I know I'm sure is hell one of them. I easily get turn just starring at you, I've never felt this way about any other girl yet and you came into my life and nothing and no one will take you out of it. If loving you was a job you don't think we'll be the world's richest couple? You don't know how in love I am with you, I show it to you everyday that's why I give you that ring in case if you don't want to get married but deep down I want to marry you one day, I want to grow old with you spend everyday with you until we die." Kelly blurted out leaving Stella speechless. He was in complete shock after he had finish his last sentence.

Stella turn to look at him and he was already looking at her. He grab her by her waist pulling her on top of him looking into her eyes. "I mean that.. I love you!" He said looking up at her as she smiled. "I love you too." She smiled back. Her two hand buried on each side of his arms. He flip her over as they kissed. He began kissing her down to her boobs, her stomach but before he could go further down his phone rang. He groan as he began to kiss Stella on her lips. She was grabbing for his phone but he pin her hands down thrusting his hips into her as they moaned and groaned.

His phone started to ring again as he pulled out rolling over next to his girlfriend grabbing his phone. It was Shay. He answered it hearing tears. "Shay?" He ask as she screamed. "Kelly I'm going to have a baby!" Shay scream as he laid there in shock. "What? How? Who?" Kelly ask as he stood in shock, so much questions cross his mind.

"I know you wanted to do it but your with Stella now I can can't ruin you guys relationship so I kept digging he's 34, lives in LA and his name is Chris." She replied excitedly. Kelly couldn't help but feel sad and jealous. "Hello? Are you there?" She ask as he nodded. He realised then she couldn't  see him. "Yeah yeah I'm happy for you." Kelly said as he held a hand and a kiss on his chest.

"Congrats Shay, I'm glad your dream is finally coming through." Kelly said as Shay sniff. "Thank you, is Stella near by?" She ask. "Yeah.. Hold on." He give the phone to Stella as she talk to Shay little over five minutes. Soon after Stella told Shay bye and she cut of the phone turning to Kelly who was starring at the roof. "She use to tell me everything now she doesn't.. I didn't know she was going to try again the doctor told her that she couldn't have a baby now she's pregnant." Kelly said in disbelief.

"Baby.. I know you want to be a dad but you will one day." Stella said as he turn his head slightly looking at her. "What do you mean one day? I thought you didn't want to have." Kelly said a bit confused. "Well I do but not yet I'll think about it though." Stella replied as she place a kiss on his lips. "Well don't think your going somewhere today we're in this bed all day." He said rolling over on her as she kissed him.

"No we're not, we have our flight tomorrow morning so we're going to pack up later." She said as Kelly shut her up with his dick inside her. "Enough talking and kiss me." He said as she kissed him deeply holding onto his arm as he started to continue what he was doing before Shay called. The room fulled with moans and groans as the couple made out.

Unforgettable Love~ A Stellaride Love Story Where stories live. Discover now