First date

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It's Friday night. Stella and Kelly's first date. Since Brittany and Kelly divorced, Stella was helping Kelly move back into Shay's apartment since he didn't want to stay at his at his home alone.

Stella's POV~
I was looking for an outfit to wear tonight. I've been eating a lot lately, fast food, oats, pasta and a lot more. I've been gaining few pounds daily and I've been proud of myself. The way Grant made me not eat for years my bones started to show through my skin. Kelly made me realize few days ago. Gosh why haven't I met him before?

I starred on my shoe rack looking for a pair of shoes. I had heels, sneakers, sandals and boots. I grab my black low heels as I headed to take a shower. I wet my hair running my fingers through my scalp giving it a small massage for a few minutes enjoying every moment of it. I heard a soft knock on the door. I turn the pipe of and grab my towel as I tip toe over to the door. I open it to see it was Kelly he was already finish ready.

"You know you we're in here going 20 minutes now." He said with a chuckle. "Oh I'm sorry I was having a time of myself I'll be out in a minute." I told him as he cup my cheek kissing me. "It's okay take as much time as you need." He said as I nod. He look so damn fineee. I stared him up and down as he snap me outta my thoughts by chuckling. "If your gonna keep starring do something about it then." He said as I kissed him.

"Mm." I pulled back as he spun me around. "See this is how a lady is suppose to look, but damn your beautiful." He smiled as I blush. "You blush too? That makes you even more beautiful." I smiled as he hugged me. "I don't want to talk about him anymore he was a jerk your a beautiful, sexy woman no one deserved to be treated that way he was so blind now he has no one but I know I do.. You want to know who?" He ask as I nod.

"You.. I have you and I got your back always." He said as I smiled hugging him as he stood in the doorway.

"Okay enough of him for real it's our first date, lets go out and eat." I said as he was about to open his mouth but I shut him up with a kiss. "God damn how did I get so lucky?" He chuckle as he pick me up. "You saved me from an abusive relationship Kelly.. And I want to repay you by buying whatever you want tonight and we'll go anywhere you want tomorrow." I said looking down at him as I was still in his arms.

"You'll do that?" He ask as I nod. "Of course I will." I kissed his cheek as he took me over to the bed as we make out a little. I went back into the shower to wash of before heading back out. I got my dress on and straightened my hair. I put a little bit of make up on and red lip stick with a little lip gloss on top. I saw Kelly standing in the doorway as he smirk.

"You better not got anything on under that dress of yours I'll be taking it of later." I heard him say as I laugh. "No I only have underwear on." I look over at him as he held my shoes. "Good now come here." I walk over to him as he put my shoes on for me. "Your such a gentlemen.. A very handsome one of course." I said as he laugh. He stood back up as I grab my phone and purse.

He took my hand as he put on his all white Nikes. "Oo I like your shoes." I told him as he smiled. "Thanks Shay got them for me last year for my birthday." He replied as I smiled. "Do you want a pair? I can get you a pair so we can match." He said as I shake my head no. "No you did a lot for me already." I told him as he smiled. I'll admit, I kinda felt jealous of him having such expensive shoes. "You know what? I'll love to match with you." I told him. "Yeah? Clothes or shoes?" He ask. "You get to choose but I'm paying." I smiled as he kiss my head.

It took us 20 minutes to get to the restaurant. Kelly got out quickly then headed over to my side of the car. He opened the door holding his hand out as I took it getting out the car. He lock up as we headed inside. The waiter lead us to a table as he pulled out the chair out for me.

As we got seated, we immediately got our menus as we search the menu. "Ooo I want the spaghetti, the steak, the dish pizza and um wine." I said as Kelly chuckle. "What's so funny?" I ask confuse as he rub my hand. "Nothing I just love to see you eat that's all I'll get the same as you actually." He replied as I continue to look through the menu.

"Should we share the steak and the pizza?" I heard Kelly ask as I nod. "Yeah sure." The waiter came back few minutes later and ask if we wanted any drinks. Both Kelly and I got the cherry flavor wine and order our food at the same time. I took a sip of my wine as Kelly and I began to talk about each other and life at the firehouse.

"So.. How long have you been a lieutenant for?" I ask him sipping the wine as he look up at me. "Umm about 5 years now." He replied as I raise my eyebrow. "How old are you?" I ask. "24 you?" He said as I smiled. "I'm 22.." I said as he smirk. "Two years apart I see." He wink as I chuckled.

Minutes later our food came and we bagan to eat, talk and laugh. We even shared a romantic kiss across the table. We continue to eat as we shared a look. A look like we needed something from each other. After we finish ate Kelly thought about getting dessert so we got ice cream sandwiches.

I paid for the bill was only $70 bucks. It was actually worth it though. Kelly took my hand as we headed out the restaurant and walk to a nearby beach holding hands. I took my shoes of as I hold them in my free hand. We stood looking at the moon in the as I felt this cold liquid on my feet. The water hit my feet as I jumped. It was as cold as ice.

"It's pretty cold but I have something in mind how about we come back here tomorrow." He said as I nod. "Sure that's all you want to do tomorrow?" I ask as he shake his head no. He squeeze my hand as I smiled squeezing his hand back. He turn to me as he place both of our shoes down on a rock as he grab my hands.

"Look.. I wanted to thank you for tonight it was one of the best dates I've ever had in my entire life, but I-I want to wake up to your pretty face every day, see you cooking us breakfast, starring at you, I want to be the perfect guy for you I don't want to see you go through another relationship like that my heart is telling me your the perfect girl for me and I don't want anyone else but you.. So will you be honoured to be my girlfriend?" I heard Kelly ask as I starred at him and stood in shock.

He wanted me to be his girlfriend. He look back at me as I stood there still speechless. After a few minutes I snap out of my thoughts. "Yes yes of course I'll be your girlfriend!" I said as he grab my face kissing me deeply. He pick me up and spun me around as I giggled.

"Gosh I'm so in love with you!" He said as he place me on the ground. My mouth drop and my eyes widen. He look at me with a uh oh look as I smiled. "I'm in love with you too Kelly!" I smiled as he kissed me. Our lips not leaving from each other we stayed like that for a few minutes.

He pulled back a little and look at me. "No.. Don't stop kissing me." I told him as he smiled kissing me again. He pick me up and place me on the rock as he stood between my legs. Kissing our life away like either of us had to go but we didn't want each other leave. I ran my hands all down Kelly's muscular chest and down to his crotch area which made him grew a bulge in his pants. "Let's go back to the apartment shall we?" He said as we got our shoes and hurried back to the car. Kelly drove back to Shay's apartment as we wasted no time to make it upstairs. We make out with each other it wasn't just sex it was making love to each other.
Edited- Happy New Year!!🥳🎉❤️

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