The perfect girl is you

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After Brittany had left to go back home to her sisters she later confess that she couldn't get pregnant. Kelly was in shock, they both wanted a baby but she couldn't get pregnant. She was going to give Kelly back her ring and he told her to keep it. Brittany smiled and walked away as Kelly watch her leave.

Few days later~
Stella's POV~
I was sitting on my bed in Shays apartment when I heard her making out with a girl. I immediately thought about Kelly and my feelings for him. I couldn't tell him I was in love with him, he had a wife. I heard a knock on the front door. I headed downstairs to open the door and saw Kelly there.

"Hey what are you doing here? You here for Shay?" I ask him as he smiled at me. "No I'm here for you." He said as I look into his eyes. "Me? You need something?" Gosh he was staring into my cinnamon brown eyes. "Come in I guess." I let him inside as I prayed to God he doesn't hear moans from upstairs.

"Is that what I think it is?" I heard Kelly chuckled as I drag me to the kitchen. "So Shay told me you two we're roomies." I said trying to change the subject from Shay. He gived me a small smile. "Yeah we we're but I move out after I married Brittany." He said as I nod. "So you want to talk about anything?" I ask as he shook his head no.

"Then why are you here?" I ask as he grab my waist firmly as he held me close, us both staring into each other souls. Kelly leaned in for a kiss when I heard a chuckle. "Ooo hey love birds." I heard Shay said as Kelly and I look at each other.

Shay grab two waters before heading back upstairs staring at us with a smirk on her face. I turn back to Kelly who was already starring at me. He leaned in once again and kissed my lips softly. One hand holding my cheek and the other around my waist.

I began to ran my hands up and down his chest. I pulled back a little as we kept our heads together. "Why the kiss? Aren't you married?" I ask in a panic. "I was married but Brittany wasn't the one for me, the perfect girl is you. I want to be with you Stella." He said leaving me completely shocked. "I-I want to be with you too Kelly." I told him as he smiled picking me up and placing me on the kitchen island.

Kissing each other once again as we headed to Kelly's old room which my now my room. He pinned against the wall as he moved his kisses to my jaw line then to my neck causing a small moan escape my lips. Kelly slowly removed my shirt and threw it on the ground. I pulled his shirt of as he squeezed my bum cheeks as I giggled a little. He scoop me up on the ground and place me on the bed as I slowly push him up a little. "Someones turn on." I giggle looking down at his bulge. "Do you know how long that's been there? The moment I first lay my eyes on you I wanted to fuck you right there and then, do you know you how incredibly sexy you are?" He ask as I blushed. "Then why couldn't you fuck me right there and then? Why wait till now?" I tease as he looked down at me. "I had a wife I couldn't do that, that's not the type of guy I am." He replied. "But yet still you wanted to kiss me in the locker room." I said reminding him. "Yeah well it would of meant nothing to me I mean it would but I'm married." He said as I arched my eyebrow. "You are or was?" I question. "Was, I was married, before she left she threw a bomb shell on me and said she couldn't get pregnant, that was all I wanted to do, get her pregnant I wanted her to be my kids mother and to hear she couldn't give me children literally broke my heart to pieces. "Hey, you got me." I tease jokingly. "You serious?" He ask as I shook my head no. "It was a joke but if you needed someone to give you a baby I think i could help you." I said as his eyes widen. "You would do that for me? We barely know each other." He said as I nod. "I know but your having sex with someone you don't know like that and I know this isn't a one time thing because you said yourself you get turn on everything just thinking about me." I muttered as he smiled. "I think I can control myself." He smiled as I smiled back. We continue to kiss as I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pulled back a little.

"I'm scare.. What if I'm not ready for this?" I ask as he rub my cheek. "If your not ready we'll stop." He said to me as he look into my eyes. "No but I want this.. I want to do this with you." She told me as I nodded.  "We'll go slowly at your pase it's no rush." I replied as she nod. She help me unbuckle my pants as I slid her undies down. "When was the last time you had sex?" I heard Kelly ask as I strug. "Maybe two-three years ago?" I replied as Kelly's eyes widen. "So why are you scared and not excited? I thought you would be ready for this." He said. "Do you want me to be excited?" I ask as he nodded. "Of course I want you to be excited this isn't the first time I slept with a girl and I hope your the last woman I do this too, I want you to give me a shot at me dating you if things don't work out just let me know and I'll leave you alone." He said as I smiled. "Kelly- I'll give you a chance once you take me on actual date and stop being to cute no one's ever called me sexy nor beautiful they usually laugh at me but let's finish this up yeah I don't wanna bring down the moment." I said as he slowly unclipped my bra.

"And I'm not just saying this because I'm about to fuck you right now, I'm saying this because it's true your very sexy, matter of fact your the first woman that turned me on by there looks." He said as I smiled. " I feel special hearing you say that but- "But nothing, your beautiful just they you are now let's finish this up." He said kissing me as we made out with no protection.

After making out with Kelly we cuddle, talk a little about ourselves. I really enjoy talking to him  and I really enjoyed his touch we're going on a date Friday night and I can't wait to get to know him better.

Unforgettable Love~ A Stellaride Love Story Where stories live. Discover now