Stalking 101

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Yep, this had definitely been the weirdest day of your life.

First, you were sucked into some green portal thing that had suddenly appeared at your feet while enjoying your routinely, well-deserved Friday afternoon smoke after a long week at school. In your own house!

Then, nearly devoured bag of chips in one hand and half-ash bong bowl in the other, you appeared in all your high-as-balls-glory in the streets of Japan.

You aren't even from Japan.

Second, before your reddened eyes could even register what was going on, a green light similarly blinding as the brightness of the sun swept over the sky.

You know how you absorb everything in slow motion when THC is coursing through your veins? Well, this was like that. The way you could only watch as people on the street turn to stone, one by one, like a tidal wave was straight up nightmare fuel. Panicked screams filled your ears as people tried to run from the light, others holding onto each other in fright as they were, quite literally, petrified.

You were really starting to dislike the color green. And you weren't sure if this weed was laced or so strong that you were just tripping balls.

"Aw, what the fuck!" you cried as you, too, could only watch as your own flesh turn to stone.

When you said to your friends you couldn't wait to get stoned today, this was NOT what you had in mind.

You faced the green beacon in warped fury, the drug in your system preventing you from fully processing the tragedy of such an event. You went out with your arms up, dropping your sacred items, giving the evil beam two fat middle fingers and releasing a war cry as you lost sight of the world.

The next thing you knew, you woke to the sound of cracking within your dreamless oblivion. It was like being pulled out of a thousand-year sleep. Consciousness lagging, the tiny pieces of rock that made up your hardened skin suit fell off, tattering on the ground at your feet.

It was dark. You seemed to be in some sort of cave, feet planted beneath the earth and well above your ankles, cementing you into place. How you were still standing, you were unsure.

Before you could relish in the feeling of freedom, your freshly opened eyes spotted what looked like little black fur-balls hanging from your still raised arms. Letting out an ungodly screech, your first move in— what you didn't know was nearly four millennia— was to flail desperately in place, trying to get the bats off while remaining bound to the earth by your feet.

"OH, my god!" you screamed, not even realizing the stone had given way to your full on birthday suit as you launched a couple bats into the cave wall. "Oh, sweet Jesus! Oh, MY GOD!"

Some hit the rock with a slight 'smack!' while others flew out of the cave in a panic. You ducked to the ground, arms protecting your head as the bats swarmed above and prayed none of the little creatures darted down to bite you.

"I'm sorry!" you cried, using your hands to try and rip your trapped feet from the ground. "I'm sorry!"

Who you were apologizing to? The bats? The gods? You had no idea. All you wanted was out of this nightmare.

"God, if you're listening," you said, still struggling to free yourself. "I'll be good from now on! I promise I'll be good! I swear I won't go near the devil's lettuce!"

Maybe praying worked? Or maybe it was simply a stroke of luck, but your left foot broke free as soon as the words left your mouth. You tore the other free by brute force, probably thanks to the adrenaline pumping through your veins.

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