Flawless Victory!

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It was time.

Finally, the day had come where you and Senku were allowed to cross the bridge to the village. You stood side by side at its foot, hesitating a moment to take it all in before stepping off the mainland. The scientist next to you was smiling, hands on his hips as he stared at the village ahead. Then, he turned his eyes to you and lifted his brows slightly to wordlessly ask "You ready?"

It had been nearly six months since your arrival; nearly six month since you'd known each other.

You were ready.

So you grinned back and nodded, and the two of you set off with the goal to conquer the primitive settlement by the end of the day. Kinro and Ginro stood at the end of the bridge, blocking the entrance with spears that came together like a large 'X'. As you approached, the guards lifted their weapons, opening the way.

You smiled at the taller one, Kinro, who'd become something of a friend these past few months (Ginro would have to become less annoying to get the same status), before stepping past him. It wasn't odd that he didn't smile back, in all his seriousness, but you noticed his eyes shift immediately to the boy next to you.

When you glanced at Senku, Senku was already looking at him.

What was that about...?

Unbeknownst to you, the moment their eyes met, both were reminded of their latest and most awkward interaction.

Yesterday, about thirty minutes after the storm had passed, Kinro was on his way to the science hut. The sun was setting, casting a tangerine glow upon everything within the bounds of the Kingdom of Science. He walked quickly, not wanting to waste the last hour of daylight.

The first thing he noticed when climbing the ladder to Chrome's hut and peering inside was a pair of shoes by the door. The same kind he and all the other villagers wore.

The second was Senku.

The scientist was standing near the shelves with his back turned, workshopping something on a little table towards the back center of the room.

"Senku," said Kinro, never one for small talk. "Do you know where (Y/N) is? I thought she'd be in here."

Senku turned around to see the guard kneeling in the doorway. He didn't verbally respond, but jerked his head in your direction. Kinro looked to the right and saw that you were sound asleep on your sleeping bag at the foot of the wall, with a black blob nested in the crook of your hip.

The green-haired boy leaned on the workbench behind him and crossed an ankle over the other. Then, he crossed his arms.

"You need something?" he asked Kinro with a raised brow.

"No." Kinro's gaze lingered on you for a second. Since when did you wear a dress? "I came to ask (Y/N) if she wanted to spar one last time before the Grant Bout tomorrow."

When he looked back at Senku, that was when he realized it. The scientist wore no shirt. Actually, he was pretty much naked save for the shorts and arm wraps he had on.

"I think (Y/N)'s pretty tired right now," said the scientist. As the words left his mouth, Kinro's eyes landed on what looked like clothes tossed onto the shelves in the corner. The guard couldn't really see them thanks to his 'fuzzy sickness', but in that moment, something clicked.

Those were your clothes.

And you weren't wearing a dress.

Oh... the guard thought. Did you two...?

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