Sweet Tooth

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The second time Senku saw you cry was the very next morning.

Don't get me wrong, you didn't cry often, but saying goodbye to Taiju and Yuzuriha as they left for their mission was hard. You understood why, but that didn't make it easier.

The only normal people were leaving you with a freak!

You didn't mean that..... eheh...

"Don't be such a crybaby," said Senku as the two of you walked away from them. He and Taiju had parted ways without so much as a handshake.

How manly.

"Don't be such a nerd," you countered, earning a scoff in return.

So you wiped your last few tears and flicked them at him. He flinched when he felt the drops hit his face.

The scientist gave you an incredulous look, brows furrowed and lips parting in annoyance. You thought you could see hints of a fang behind that frown.

All you did was smile blankly when his eyes seemed to say 'what is wrong with you?'

Suddenly, your attention was diverted to a loud rumbling in the distance. Maybe a quarter mile away in the middle of a forest (you were standing on some sort of plateau-d hill), dust flew into the air like from the impact of something heavy. You and Senku shared a glance before immediately sprinting for the crash.

Soon, at a ledge towards the bottom of the hill, you arrived at the sight of a young blonde woman nearly being crushed by a large forest tree.

"You're—!" you heard her say. "The sorcerer gentleman who protected that woman! You're alive! And... I have no idea who this other woman is."

She was talking about you.

You best believe she was about to find out! While Senku looked for a safe way down the rock and through the shrubbery, you decided it would be faster to just leap off the ledge. It wasn't that far down.

The blonde's bright blue eyes widened as she watched you jump to help her without hesitation. You landed with a grunt, rolling in a somersault to lighten the impact.

Huh. You'd never done that before!

You swore you felt more athletic in this apocalyptic world, but maybe that was because you literally had no other choice.

Meh. Either way, no limbs broken! You rushed towards the girl.

"Hi!" you didn't mean to sound so chipper. "Are you hurt at all!? I mean, I have no clue how to help you, but I can try!" You wore an awkward yet panicked smile, completely opposite to the composed expression this girl was wearing.

Ridiculously, the best you could do was try to lift the gigantic log off of her. Maybe she could squeeze out of there?

And stupidly, you tried it. Yet another of your impulsive decisions. Of course, it didn't work.

You huffed as you released your grip on the trunk, palms red and roughed from the attempt.

"You—!" The girl gasped.

She was about to say something, but your scientist companion stumbling out of the bushes stole her attention. Little did you know, she could've sworn the tree had shifted.

"Don't talk!" he urged to her when he ran over. He paused to give you a curious look. "Wait– how did you—? Never mind."

He tried to pry the trunk loose with the end of his wooden flagpole, which he'd gotten from Yuzuriha before you parted ways. Unlike when you'd tried, it didn't budge.

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