Did it For the Plot

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It took the spearman and his sidekick a couple days make the return to the Tsukasa Empire. They returned just the two of them, which was less than half the numbers they set off with. It wasn't like these losses tipped the scales of the war in favor of the Kingdom of Science, but still. Not a great look.

Upon arrival, Hyoga headed straight for where he knew Tsukasa was waiting. He and Homura approached the pyramid-shaped cave together, but only the lieutenant would step forward into the shadows. The gymnast would have to wait outside.

Hyoga did not show a hint of hesitation as he walked up to the very heart of the empire, a throne cut from stone and elevated so that its king could look down on his subjects whether he sat or stood.

Tsukasa seemed almost bored, slouched over with his cheek resting lazily on his fist as his second in-command came in to deliver the news.

The masked warrior stopped a few respectful meters from the royal seat.

"All of Gen's reports were lies," he told Tsukasa. "The village already has considerable scientific power."

Hyoga was not a man of many words. No matter who he was addressing or how they would react, his manner of speaking would remain the same.


That went for even the most shocking of reports.

"... Senku is alive."

The king stiffened in his chair. Eyes growing wide, his head lifted at the words. His fist tightened as he processed such information, already considering the consequences of what this could mean.

"That's not all," the warrior spoke through his mask. "There's someone else besides that filthy traitor with them who's from the modern era." He could tell immediately from the cracks on your face. "... A girl."

You woke up stiff as hell in the science hut the morning after the attack, having only a pillow to sleep with since you'd given your usual tufted bag to one of the few pregnant women and their young children who were staying the night while the elderly sheltered under the laboratory. There wasn't much room, but it would have to do. The entire village had been burnt down, so it was better than nothing.

You lifted your arm off a sleeping Fish who'd nestled into your side overnight and sat up, slowly blinking awake to the faint sound of little morning chirps.

It was pretty common for the tomcat to come find you before nightfall and stick around until bedtime. Something of a routine, almost. Especially now that you'd saved his life. He hadn't left your side since the attack.

Fish turned out to be okay. His injuries nowhere near as bad as yours (not that yours were anything drastic): a slight burn on his right paw pad, which Senku had treated with a similar balm, and a barely seared tail tip. Other than that, he was completely fine.

You gave him a short pet and a little kiss before making your way out of the hut as quietly as possible.

Posted near the bottom of the ladder was your preferred of the village guards, Kinro, standing rigid and sharper than ever now that glasses had cured his "fuzzy sickness". It was thanks to them that he noticed you appear in the entryway, able to detect your movement in his peripheral (for once lol).

He turned to you and offered a hand, the other still firm around the handle of his sword. Wary of your sense of balance with the sprain, you were thankful for the help. You took his hand and let him guide your weight as you slowly stepped down the ladder.

"Why, thank you and good morning, Kinro!" you said to him with an appreciative smile.

The stoic brunette nodded. "Good morning, (Y/N)," he replied. "Did you sleep alright?"

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