Gas Mask, Gate Keep, Girl Boss

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"You saw... a cat?"

"Yes," you said, still smiling. "I saw a cat. Right when you lit the bamboo string. Like a normal one. Well, okay, not normal, but you know what I mean. Like, domesticated."

The grip his hand had on your wrist loosened and he hesitated, but only for a moment, and then let go.

"I haven't seen one until now, but it means they must have survived, right!?" you continued excitedly. "They have dogs in the village, so they could have cats, too! It's a fish village! Even if they aren't pets, cats can definitely survive off of humans as long as they stay close."

Senku nodded slowly. "It's true. Cats basically domesticated themselves because it's easier. There might not be as many around because of predators, but it wouldn't surprise me if they'd made it 3,700 years."

A wicked glint appeared in your eye as you declared, "I am so gonna capture it."

Senku sweat-dropped, a little annoyed that he'd been worried for the past twenty minutes just for you to have been running around chasing a cat. At least you hadn't also been beaten to a pulp.

"But dude!" you said suddenly. You slapped your hands onto Senku's shoulders and shook the boy. "That shit was awesome!"

You kept shaking him and he flailed miserably in your grasp. "You just made electricity from scratch! Do you realize how insane that is!?"

He blinked slowly when you stopped and sighed, but didn't take your hands off him. You made sure to look him in the eye, voice uncharacteristically low, when you told him–

"You're the one that's exhilarating, you know."

There was no hint of humor in your words because you'd genuinely meant it. This boy was amazing and at this point it might as well be fact. He had every last formula from basic level science to the highest forms of human technology memorized all in his (not so) little lettuce head. To you, that was nothing short of a superpower.

The scientist had no clue what to say, having never been on the receiving end of those special words. And though barely visible without the faint moon beams reflecting on your cheeks, the brazen look in your eyes as you said it was magnetic, luring any words he wanted to say to drown in his throat.

He recovered quickly, removing your palms from his shoulders and spitting out a "tch!"

"You are so corny," he grumbled, shutting his eyes and turning away from you. He started to walk back towards the hut.

For once, Senku felt grateful that it was night and nearly impossible to see. Even under the light of the half-moon, you wouldn't catch the reddening tips of his ears. At least he hoped.

"Wh—!" you stammered, throwing him an incredulous look that you knew he wouldn't see in the darkness. You ran to catch up before slowing to fall into step with him.

"Me!?" you continued. "How was that corny? You're the one who says it all the time!"

"Yeah, but I say it when it's for science or something cool that makes it worth it. You totally said it like we're in a corny movie or something."

"What!" you exclaimed, feeling a little shy yourself when you realized he had a point. "Well, excuse me for being honest!"

For once, you had been completely serious.

Senku kept his pace quick so that you lagged just a step behind, preventing you from spotting the cooling embarrassment swept across his cheeks. He would rather call Kohaku a gorilla again than let you know you'd made him nervous.

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