Exhibit B

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"Holy shit. She's perfect!"

You marveled in awe as Kaseki turned around, the glass piece in his palms reflecting the light of a torch placed just beyond the entrance of his hut.

It was dark out, the only source of light being the many dozen torches illuminating the village in midst of a feast, at last celebrating the promotion of the newest chief. The festivities had just begun, the sound of cheering and slight bustling of dancing on the outermost island creating a buzz in the night air that you could feel all the way from here.

You stood in the craftsman's doorway, admiring his home adorned wall to wall with all kinds of little projects, some completed and others not. As he handed the piece to you, you couldn't help grinning with excitement.

"Whoa!" You held up the bong, inspecting it more closely against the brightness of the little fire. The weight of it was perfect in your hands, not too heavy nor too light. Inside, you could see molten glass in the shape of a flower, sitting within the encased glass just above the waterline. "Old man, you're crazy talented. This is insane!"

Kaseki chuckled at your reaction, one of his rough and calloused hands coming up to scratch at the back of his head. "Heheh," he mused, wrinkled cheeks turning pink at the praise. "Feel free to fall in love with me~"

You laughed delightedly.

"I just might!" you replied and bent down to give him a big smooch on the cheek. "Seriously, you're amazing. This thing'll be in a museum one day!"

"Aww, shucks," he said, his arm falling to clasp his fingers together as he sheepishly twirled the tip of his foot in the dirt. "You know just what an old man wants to hear!"

The two of you laughed together (which really sounded more like mischievous snickering) once more before heading back to the second island where you'd drink and smoke to your heart's content. After crossing the bridge, you quickly found your circle of friends and skipped over to them, Kaseki in tow.

A man was pouring Chrome a drink as you walked up. "Drink up, sorcery user!" he said, tilting a large pot full of wine to fill the brunette's cup.

"I'm a science user–" corrected Chrome, then gasped when the man didn't stop even as the liquid overflowed from the rim. "Oi!"

"I'll take one!" you voiced brightly.

Almost immediately, a cup was shoved in your face, which you took happily. Before you could settle down, your ears perked up at the mention of your favorite smartass in a conversation behind you.

"Huh?" you heard one of the villagers say. "Where's the chief?"

"He's off with the priestess somewhere!" another replied. "I saw them leave the village together, just the two of them. Maybe they won't divorce after all!"

Okay, that was enough eavesdropping for now...

At that, you felt like you could down the whole cup. Actually, that's exactly what you did. You knocked the whole thing back with a satisfied exhale, the liquid cool yet sweet to taste.

"RAHHH!" you roared, feeling a sugary burn rise in your throat.

"The little lady's eager!" laughed the same man who'd poured your drink. "I like that!"

You held out your empty cup and he gladly poured you another. Then, just as the man went to rest the jug back on his hip, Kaseki appeared next to him and plucked it out of his grip. Everyone watched in amazement as the old man lifted the giant pitcher to his mouth and chugged the whole thing.

"RAHH!" he mimicked your roar, setting the now empty pot on the ground and earning a few claps from the crowd.

You lifted your own cup to your lips and downed your second drink. "RAH!" you shouted again, to which Kaseki automatically roared back with even more gusto.

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