Pixie Hollow

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The first thing Senku saw and heard upon reviving into this world for the second time- was you.

Beyond the blur of the unconscious realm, he thought for sure he'd only been hearing two voices until now. The voices of his friends.

The boy sat up, robbed of the clever words he planning to spout next.

"Oh, what the fuck!?"

You were looking at him. Eyes wide but brows furrowed, you stared at what you thought had been a dead body, your jaw slightly agape.

Senku would say that this random girl looked like she'd seen a ghost, but it was more like you'd just watched him grow a second head.

"Who're you?" were the first words out of his mouth.

His expression reflected much that of your own while his companions were torn between crying of joy and confusion from the sudden stranger.

"Who are you, veggie boy!?" You pointed at him, defensive and not prepared for such an interaction. "And what is this, a crime scene!? Why are y'all lookin' at me like I'm the sus one?"

You kinda talked a lot when you were nervous. Let's call it a not-so bad habit.

I mean, this crazy looking green-haired boy was giving YOU the side eye as if you weren't the one who watched HIM come back to life.

Then again, didn't you wake up made of stone this morning?

Suddenly, the brunette to Senku's left let out a boisterous laugh. Err, the male brunette, to be clear.

"Sennnkuuu! I don't know who this person is, but I'm so glad you're okay!" He enveloped his friend in a bear hug and squeezed so tight you thought you heard a few bones crack.

The smaller of the two soon pushed the other off, sending him flying with a kick.

"Never mind my cervical nerve," Senku said with a scowl. "You just crushed my entire body! I'll kill you!"

He sighed, putting his hands on his hips. "Either way, the thunderstorm that was keeping us camouflaged is gone. We need to keep our voices down 'cause if Tsukasa finds us, we're totally screwed. That includes you, creepy girl." He pointed at you accusingly.

"Me!?" you shot back incredulously. "You say that like you're not the one who just rose from the dead here! Now, that's creepy."

"Hmm." The lanky boy studied you suspiciously. "Who are you, then? And just to be clear, you aren't with Tsukasa, are you?"

Right off the bat, Senku could tell you were from the modern world. Your face was cracked. Part of him suspected you didn't know that yet.

"Who, Tarzan?" you said as you crossed your arms. "Long hair, superhuman caveman vibe? I saw him, but I don't think he saw me. My name's (Y/N)."

Your jumbled answer left the scientist with more questions than answers, but the reference confirmed you were indeed from the era of civilization.

"Tarzan!" the guy you'd soon know as Taiju laughed. "He does look like him!"

The petite girl next to him followed in suit. "Now that you mention it, I can see it!"

They politely introduced themselves.

"Yeah, whatever," said Senku. Always straight to the point. "When did you wake up? Did you light those fires?"

You felt like you were being interrogated. Well, I guess you were. "Uhh, today, I guess. And I... probably could not start a fire if I tried."

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