Like That

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[A/N: sorry for the wait! I've made this chap extra long to make it up to y'all ₍^⸝⸝> ·̫ <⸝⸝ ^₎ ]


You took a swift step to the right, avoiding a swing so high the weapon seemed to reign down from the sky itself. The tufted end of your opponent's practice spear hit the ground where you'd stood with a hard 'baff!' and you used the opportunity to slam your own weapon atop theirs, preventing them from lifting the spear.

Or at least that's what you intended.

Kinro's narrowed eyes flicked to yours, green irises warning that he wouldn't be overpowered so easily. Immediately, he pulled his spear out from under yours and thrusted its padded end towards your gut with another "Hup!"

You avoided the attack with a swerve of your hip and deflected the weapon at the same time, using the handle of your spear to push his away from you. In the same flow of motion, you spun on your feet, stepping past him, and swung your weapon at his back. He let out a grunt at the impact before staggering, the spear spilling out of his grip.

The poor brunette fell to his hands and knees, dust slightly poofing into the air as he hit the dirt. You snorted, finding the sight amusing. He shot you an irritated glare over his shoulder and you hid your lips behind your fingers to stifle another laugh.

Tomorrow was the Grand Bout, having been one week since you started your training. In just a few days, you were already showing significant improvement. Now, even Kinro was having trouble getting a win whenever you sparred together.

This was one of those times. Frustrated, Kinro, still on his hands and knees, grabbed his spear from the ground and hurled it at you. It took on a strangely rapid spin, impressive enough to make you step back and start to say "Oh, shi–!"

You raised your weapon again, distracted by the need to block, which your opponent used to his advantage. The brunette quickly pushed himself off the ground and rushed towards you.

Kinro recognized that with every training session, your skills and fighting strength only grew. Above all, you were a quick learner. You seemed to adapt to any move he threw at you like you'd seen it coming, so he tried something new. He knew the only way to beat you was to get up close– where you couldn't swing the spear fast enough to counter him... and where he could actually see.

It was a bit unlike him, really, considering the guard's straightforward nature. A sneaky move like this was unexpected. Distracted, you didn't see Kinro approaching until it was too late. All of a sudden he was right in your face.

You let out a yelp as he tore the spear from your hands and used it to shove you to the ground. You fell backwards onto your elbows, him standing above you with the spear pointed at your chin. Inhaling sharply, you faltered for a moment before narrowing your eyes at him and kicking your foot up to knock the weapon out of his grip.

You reached for it as it tumbled to the dirt, but before you could snatch it, your arms were abruptly pinned to the floor on each side of your head. You blinked in surprise, looking dumbfounded as you stared at the guard hovering over you.

Kinro's brows were furrowed in annoyance, the firm grip on your wrists a reflection of his frustration. He was breathing hard, chest huffing widely with each breath, and sweat dripped from his neck and slid down the opening of his shirt where you tried not to stare. (⚆ ̫ ⚆)

What!? The dude is so fine.

Resisting a glance to his (huge ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) arms, you met your eyes with his and devised your own plan.

"Geez, Kinro," you smirked. "Take a girl to dinner first."

It was his turn to blink in confusion. His mouth, usually twisted in a permanent frown, opened and closed awkwardly as he fumbled for what to say. Within seconds, blush sprouted from his neck and bloomed all over his face. You saw his eyes glance over your figure beneath him, which only made his cheeks get more red.

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