Lions and Tigers

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You had slept well.

After the long technological debrief, Chrome retreated to the village where he would sleep and left you and the scientist to your sleeping bags. He let you two stay in the hut for the night, of course.

Well, Chrome told himself it was out of the goodness of his heart rather than the fact that the whole thing now belonged to Senku under (unofficial) sorcerer law.

"Ooooh~" you had cooed the same way a kid would when talking about cooties. "We're finally alone together... What's gonna happen!?"

Senku saw you toss your sleeping bag next to his, separated only by the flickering glow of the candlelight. And he would've answered you, probably with snark and an attempt to put a stop to your weird sense of humor, but as soon as your head hit the pillow, you were asleep. He had waved a hesitant hand above your head to make sure.

Yep, knocked the fuck out.

He watched your sleeping face for a moment, observing the flame's shadow ripple on your features. All he could think of was how, out of everything, you were the greatest mystery he'd encountered in the stone world so far. 

Besides your strange, flirty demeanor, there were many things about you that confused him. You basically popped out of nowhere, the only other person to have been revived completely on their own, and trusted three strangers enough to immediately accept food and water. You were also unpredictable.

Not that he could accurately predict much of anyone's behavior– Senku wasn't exactly a people person.

And there was something else. Something seemed... off.

Physically, your strength didn't match your body. You were from modern society and not particularly athletic, at least not in the way Kohaku was– but that made sense because the physical labor of hunter-gatherers more than tripled the one of regular humans from the common era. So unless you were genuinely superhuman, there was no way for you to have kept up with Tsukasa.

Little snores slipped past your lips. The boy sighed. He blew out the candle and settled into his sleeping bag.

Oh, well. As long as you were loyal to the Kingdom of Science, Senku told himself it didn't matter.

Next on the docket was collecting iron. Long story short, Ruri, Kohaku's sister and the village priestess, was badly sick. You all were going to make the first antibiotic in three millennia to save her.

Chrome had actually spent the entire next day asking you and Senku (mostly Senku) a million questions about the world and how it really worked, which meant it was now the next next day.

The boys had just stripped of their clothes, and from a decent-sized ledge, jumped into the deeper waters of a nearby creek. You, having borrowed what looked like an ancient bathing suit from Kohaku, followed after them.

"Awe, shit!" you yelled as you leaped from the small cliff. You dove into a front flip before splashing into the creek below. You popped up from water right next to Chrome and Senku who had watched your magnificent flip.

"Dude, awesome!" said the brunette. He lifted his palm towards you for a high-five.

Oh, yeah. You'd taught him that!

Happily, you returned the gesture, smacking your palm against his in a loud clap.

"Oh!" you blurted out when you noticed the change in the boy to your left. "Woah! Your hair is down!"

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