Oooh, Burn!

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As if attacking the village in midst of sacred celebration wasn't enough, Hyoga and his crew were back a few days later. The Kingdom of Science had spent the meantime wisely, preparing for the enemy's next ambush by smithing up the most powerful kind of weapon achievable in this new modern era: Japanese katanas!

You stood before the mainland's bridge once again, sword in hand and fully sober this time with your weapon raised towards the enemy. Hyoga was trapped between the lot of you, enclosed in a circle of six blades all pointing at him.

You weren't a part of this circle, instead positioned directly in front of Senku and blocking him from view. You guarded your favorite scientist like a dog, eyes slit and ready to bare your fangs if anyone were to take even a single step towards him.

If Tsukasa wanted yo mans dead, all threats would have to go through you first.

And if you were guessing correctly, you could see Hyoga recognized that. His eyes remained closed throughout the skirmish, one of his many impressive traits, but you noted he always had a cautious ear pointed in your direction.

Kohaku had just attempted an attack. She used the tip of Magma's blade to propel herself into a swing from above, however the silver-haired spearman adapted quickly. He immediately moved to counter her strike, spinning the tip of his weapon with his wrist in a circular motion.

The blonde would have been impaled like steak on a barbecue stick if not for the miracle of Hyoga's spear suddenly breaking apart. The moment of shock as the wood split and cracked and the spear's sharp-chipped blade fell to the dirt was the only time the warrior's eyes had opened. At once, his cronies ran for it, fleeing the scene as soon as they saw their lieutenant defenseless.

And it was all thanks to Gen, the Kingdom of Science's secret sleeper agent!

"Remarkable athleticism, coordinated teamwork, dirty betrayal," spoke the spearman, not bothering to continue the fight now that his weapon was useless. "And the scientific knowledge to create guns and katanas... You people do know the proper way of doing things, I'll admit."

Senku made a noise of suspicion behind you. Then, the warrior spoke again.

"... It would have been even more proper if you had realized that all of this was just a distraction."

As if on cue, a scream sounded from the village. You could hear several gasps as you turned towards it. Fire blazed in the distance. The sight of it engulfing the many huts immediately sent everyone into a panic. 

"Ah, that's what they were after," remarked Senku, a taught expression on his cracked face.

Your heart sunk into your gut as you could only think about one thing.

"Fish–!" you inhaled sharply and immediately bolted for the village. The last time you'd seen the little tomcat was about an hour ago, napping peacefully on Old Man Kaseki's cot just as the clouds rolled in.

You darted so fast that the scientist, even with his supercomputer of a noggin, did not have time to register where you were going before you whizzed past him and headed towards the flames.

The accelerating sound of blood pumping in your ears seemed to fall into rhythm with the similarly increasing thudding of your feet against the wooden planks as you sprinted as fast as you possibly could. You were on the main island in seconds, and having solid ground beneath your feet propelled you to go even faster thanks to no longer needing to watch where you placed each step.

"Crap!" you could hear Chrome's voice shout over the sounds of everyone's panic. "A fire!"

You didn't stop to see where it was coming from. It was already difficult enough having to slow down as villagers scattered from their homes like ants being forced to evacuate their hill.

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