Witches be Crazy

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For someone who supposedly disliked the idea of relationships, Kohaku thought Senku seemed quite friendly with you.

Then again, after listening to you two's conversation last night, that impression might just stem from the fact you both seemed from an entirely different dimension. Kohaku's hearing was strong, but understanding of your modern language? Not so much.

The three of you were back at the hot springs, the blonde having just explained that she retrieved the hot water for her sick sister every day, several times a day.

When Kohaku stumbled with her water pot, unusually weak from the accident, Senku was weirdly quick to stop the jug from spilling over.

"You still haven't fully recovered, have you?" he said, almost scoffing. "Can't have you overexerting yourself and dying on us, now. Hand it over."

Kohaku was surprised at his kindness. You less so. The previous night had confirmed it for you: Senku's contradictory demeanor was a mask for his selflessness, which made it that much more sweet.

Not that he'd ever want to hear it.

When the blonde handed him the water, you admitted that you probably should've done something to stop it. He immediately fell over, overpowered by the weight of the thing.

You stifled a giggle.

"You're the one overexerting yourself." Kohaku stood over him with her arms crossed and an unimpressed look on her face.

"Is everyone other than me in this stone world a gorilla?" he complained as twitched on the ground.

Kohaku raged about the insult while you laughed, knowing better than to take it to heart.

"Yeah, this might be my bad," you said, pulling the jug from his back and offering him a hand. "Shouldn't have let the little fawn try something he can't handle, huh?"

It was true! If you were a gorilla, then that would make this boy a baby deer.

Senku groaned at the returned jab and put his hand in yours. You pulled him up.

Thus! When you all went to refill the water (by that I mean you, since you took over the job for these little ducklings), Senku decided to make a pit stop at the pulley. He began transforming it into something else entirely. You put down the water and offered to help, but this time he refused. You suspected he wanted to prove useful after the... slight embarrassment.

The pot really wasn't all that heavy. You had moved heavier chairs in your life. In any case, soon the pulley was no longer a pulley and looked more like a race-cart.

"Woah!" you exclaimed, admiring the handiwork. "Like a buggy in PUB-G!"

Your companions turned to you, a quizzical look on their faces.

"What?" you said. "Don't tell me y'all prefer Fortnite."

You'd been something of a gamer in your past-time. Well, not really. You just liked playing battle royales with your friends.

"Fort... night...?" Kohaku repeated.

Oop! You'd forgotten that piece of knowledge belonged to the old world. It made you a little sad- thinking of the modern era as old.

"Shit," you spoke, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Sorry. Not sure you'd get it even if I explained it."

Imagine explaining Fortnite to the equivalent of a medieval child! Err, make that an ancient cave people child! After all, Kohaku resembled one of the Croods more than anything else.

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