Chapter 29: Unavailable Kiri

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Cws: involuntary regression, arguing

     Strange would be a good way to describe how Katsuki felt when they woke up in the morning. They'd usually grumble at their alarm, and switch it off, begrudgingly trudging to the bathroom, rubbing dust from their eyes. But today is different. They sit up in their dark room, and turn off their alarm. Their baby blanket is strewn across the bed. They forgot to shower last night, evident by their stink, and Captain and Sparky are sitting at their desk. There's a muffled noise from downstairs.
      Bakugo rubs his neck, over and over again, feeling his skin on his fingertips, as if he needs to reassure himself he's really in the room. It takes them a few minutes to get out of bed. They use the bathroom, and struggle to get dressed. They pick up their phone. No messages from Eijirou. One from Mina, sent yesterday at 8pm.

Alien×queen: im planning a whole class movie night for Friday, you better be down!!! :D

    Katsuki doesn't know what to do, so leaves her message on read. Then he sits on the floor, and huddles up with his baby blanket, because Bakugo wasn't feeling big enough to go to class just yet. But when had he ever woken up feeling small? The waistband of their boxers pokes out from the top of their baggy school trousers, as they lay on their stomach sucking their thumb. He's hungry, but if he wants to eat, he'll have to go downstairs.
     He pokes his head through Kirishima's doorway, discovering his boyfriend isn't there. Bakugo walks downstairs, hugging the banister. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, they wipe their thumb on their shirt, and wander into the kitchen. There's a lot of loud, and it's going on everywhere. Katsuki perseveres, wanting the comfort of his boyfriend. But when he enters the kitchen, he finds Kaminari and Eijirou arguing.

    "That's such a shitty thing to do!" Kirishima growls, nose wrinkling. Katsuki's eyes dart between them. Denki rolls his eyes, and twists his head away.
    "No, you're making a huge deal out of nothing, Kirishima." He replies, sourly. Bakugo jumps slightly at the feeling of the wall against their back. They didn't remember backing up so far.
    "Kiri…" Bakugo attempts to force their voice into the argument, but it comes out sounding silly, and whiney, and childish, and it's flattened by Eijirou groaning in irritation. Eijirou is upset. No, Eijirou is angry. Daddy is angry. Daddy is... Katsuki slowly edges out of the room, hands crawling up to their ears, as they slink away.
     Bakugo returns to his room, sucking his thumb, and holding Sparky. The dispute downstairs doesn't still. Katsuki's stomach rumbles. They hunch over, sitting on their bed. The vague racket of Kirishima arguing makes Bakugo fidget with a type of heavy anxiety that makes them need to urinate. They squeeze Sparky. "I'm hungry." They mumble, nuzzling their cheek against the stuffed dragon.

    At some point, the argument fades, and Bakugo realises he's supposed to be going to class now. He sets Sparky down, and grabs his bag. He assumed Kirishima would be waiting for him, but on reaching the bottom of the stairs, he finds the place empty. He's the last person to leave.
    Mr Aizawa sips his coffee, and taps away at his laptop. Everyone is finishing off homework, and assignments, and Bakugo can't concentrate. They want to talk to Eijirou, but the boy is clearly still disgruntled from this morning's dispute, as he drums his fingers on his desk as he works, partially scowling at his paper. Katsuki fidgets, looking around the room, before standing up, and waddling up to Mr Aizawa. He fiddles with his hands. Sometimes they get this deep, hard anxiety around men, or other boys, and they don't really know why. And after seeing Kirishima so furious, it has them a bit shaken. Mr Aizawa peers up at him, scratching his stubble covered chin, and grunting. "Mm, Bakugo..? What do you need, a pen?" He asks. His dark eyes linger around Katsuki's arms, and for a second, the boy questions if Mr Aizawa has figured something out. Katsuki gulps, and looks down at their blazer sleeves.
    "Can… Ta… Talk outside?" They mutter. They can remember the last dramatic interaction they had with Mr Aizawa - it was quite the argument, and in truth, Katsuki feels a little bad about the whole situation. With a sigh, Mr Aizawa nods, and directs his student outside, shutting the door behind the two of them.

     "How can I help you?" Mr Aizawa tilts his head, sooty, greasy hair flopping over his shoulder. Despite how scary he appears, most students have realised how much of a softie he can be. Bakugo leans against the wall, staring at the floor. He isn't entirely sure what he wanted to talk about. They were nervous, that's all, and they didn't know why they were here in big kid school…
    Katsuki rubs the back of their neck. "I… I feel… I dunno what we're doing today, and I… I wish I brought Sparky or Captain." He murmurs, voice wobbling from nerves. They take a cautious glance at Mr Aizawa. His expression hasn't changed. He brushes hair out of his face.
    "Are those… Toys  of yours, Bakugo?" He prompts. He doesn't sound as ominous as before, and he's leaning over a bit, like he's trying to reach Katsuki's eye level. It makes them feel even smaller. They nod.
    "My dragons." He grins, smirking with little boy pride. "They're really cool! One's blue, and… And one's red." He boasts, chewing the end of his thumb. Mr Aizawa sucks his teeth, and pauses. After a moment, he cracks a smile.
    "Bakugo, do you like being sixteen? Do you like being on the hero course?"

    Katsuki blinks at him, and temporarily withdraws his thumb from his mouth. "Not sixteen… I'm three." He claims, audibly tripping over words without care or notice. "I'm gonna be the coolest, most strong hero ever." They proudly exclaim, reflecting a look of total determination, mixed in with naivety. Mr Aizawa pauses for a second time, and pats Bakugo's shoulder.
     "I think… I think you should be staying with me today." He states. "I have a feeling you're not going to be learning much today, hm?" Mr Aizawa doesn't deal with this on the regular - at least not with students. However the career of a hero is stressful, and traumatising, so Aizawa has certainly seen things similar to this, post battle, in the hospital. The public would go wild if they knew some of the most talented heroes were partial to a pacifier after work…
    The fact Bakugo is acting like this, plants Aizawa with a concerning idea, though he tries not to focus on it. He's going to email Katsuki's teachers for the day. This boy won't leave his sight, his care, or his protection. Luckily, he has some colouring pencils stashed away in his desk, although that might not be enough entertainment for an adventurous, explosive boy like Katsuki…

A/N: I have no excuses, I'm just really tired, sorry ( ╥ω╥ ) besides that... I'm trying to start a ninjago fanfiction :)

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