Chapter 4

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3rd Person POV:

Carlisle and Esme left around 6:30, so they could meet up with Charlie before the station got too busy. The vampire couple was actually apprehensive about talking with Charlie, a mere human. They knew that Charlie had never been fond of Belle and Edward's relationship. Carlisle wondered if Charlie didn't have a latent talent; like Belle.

Esme opening her car door pulled Carlisle out of his musings. He had driven all the way to the police station without realizing it. It's a good thing that he is a vampire; otherwise things could have been real nasty for other drivers and him.

"What were you thinking so hard about Carl?" Esme asked, having noticed Carlisle distracted state.

"I was just thinking about Charlie having a latent talent. I know I'll probably never know, but it is an interesting thought." Carlisle said.

"Carlisle dear, I know your mind likes to dwell on the interesting, but I don't think now is the time." Esme said, patting Carlisle's arm.

"You're right. I guess I'm just a bit scared. What if Charlie forbids Belle to see us ever again? Or what if he blames us for his little girl's heartache?" Carlisle asked, fear quite evident in his voice. He had come to view Belle as one of his own daughters, and the thought of never seeing her again pained him to the core. He didn't want to step on Charlie's toes, but he didn't want to lose is daughter either.

Esme understood what Carlisle was feeling, because she too felt afraid. "Charlie is a reasonable person; he will understand that Edward leaving was his own choice. We in no way forced Edward to leave. Our job at the moment is to make sure Charlie understands that Belle is going to need him and us to help her get through the emotional rollercoaster Belle is about to board." Knowing this still brought little comfort to them, but they knew they had to talk to Charlie and make him see they weren't going to leave.

They walked into the station arm-in-arm, and were greeted by Chief Swan himself, seeing as he was the only person there this early.

"Dr. and Mrs. Cullen," He greeted. "Is there something the matter?" Charlie asked. As far as he could remember the Cullens had never asked for police assistance, let alone come into the station. He was rather perplexed. They didn't look like they were in any kind of trouble, but he was already in police mode just in case.

"Actually Chief, there is a problem, but it isn't the kind that needs police help, but rather your help personally." Esme said, figuring that a soothing female voice would help keep Charlie calm.

"Please call me Charlie, what can I help you with?" Charlie said not quite comfortable with the way this conversation was starting out.

"Thank you Charlie, and please call us Esme and Carlisle. You see it isn't really us that need your help. We are here to talk about Belle." Esme began softly.

Hearing his daughters name put Charlie on high alert. "What's wrong with Belle? Did your boy knock her up? Did he lay his filthy hands on her? Is that why you are here? Just because he is your child doesn't mean I won't throw his happy ass in jail!" Charlie was frantic and irate at the same time.

"No Charlie it isn't like that at all. Belle isn't pregnant and as far as we know Edward never put his hands on Belle in anything but a loving manner!" Carlisle said trying to calm Charlie before he had a heart attack right there in front of them. "We are here because of Edward and Belle's relationship though."

Charlie breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay good. So what has your controlling son done then? I know that he had to have done something to warrant you coming to see me this early in the morning." Charlie was relieved that Belle wasn't pregnant or battered, but he knew that something wasn't right, and Belle was going to pay the price. The look on the two Cullen's faces told him that he was about to hear something that would upset Belle and by proxy it would upset him. He prayed that he and Belle could be strong and that they could get through whatever it is. "Please have a seat, I get this nasty feeling you are about to tell me something I'm not going to like."

Charlie sat back and waited. He told himself he would let the Cullens talk and he would try his best to keep his emotions in check.

Meanwhile at the Swan Residence

Belle got out of bed hoping that Edward would be in a better mood today. Even though she was trying to be positive, there was this little niggle at the back of her mind that told her something bad was going to happen today. It was as if her body was telling her that she had better steel herself, because the universe is conspiring against her. There was another part of her body that seemed to sigh in relief, of what she didn't know. She was really starting to feel confused.

Charlie was already gone by the time she made it downstairs. She threw some pop tarts in the toaster and poured herself a glass of milk while the coffee maker did its thing. She made her coffee extra strong this morning, knowing unconsciously that she was going to need the extra caffeine. She was bothered by the fact that Edward still hadn't shown up yet. He was usually already at the house and making nasty face while she ate her food. "Something is definitely wrong" she thought to herself. Just as Belle was about to grab her keys to drive herself to school, one of the cars she recognized as a Cullen car pulled up. She quickly grabbed her coffee and pop tart and dashed out the door and jumped into the car.

"Edward, you're late, and what happened to the Volvo? Did you lose a bet with Emmett or Jasper?" Belle said turning her head to receive her good morning kiss, only to be surprised to see the stunning blonde sitting in the driver's seat. "Rosalie? Where is Edward? Why are you picking me up? Please don't hurt me." Belle hadn't meant for that last bit to come out, but it did and she could see the hurt and sorrow in Rose's eyes. "Sorry" she mumbled to Rose.

"It's alright Belle. Please don't be alarmed, I promise I'm not going to hurt you." Rose said trying to put Belle's mind at ease somewhat. "There is something that I need to tell you, and they might not be easy to hear. I need you to listen and trust me. First things first, we are all skipping school today despite the rain, and that means you too."

"Why couldn't Edward pick me up and explain it to me. I mean, no offense, but you hate me. Why would you want to help me?" Belle asked.

"Belle, I don't hate you. I know I haven't given you a reason to think otherwise, but I don't. To be honest I am jealous of your life. You have a family that loves you as a person and not for the monetary gain." Rose said.

Belle was confused. "Rose, your family does love you for you. They love you despite the fact that you are a bitch to them most of the time."

Rose sighed. "No Belle, I don't mean my vampire family, but the human family I had. You see I grew up in the early 1900s. My father worked at one of the largest banks in Rochester, New York. My family was fairly well off, but my mother and father wanted more. You see, they could never have enough of what they truly wanted. The only thing I thought they loved more than money was me. I was wrong, dead wrong.

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