Chapter 7

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Charlie's POV:

To say I was surprised to Carlisle and Esme walk into the station, would be an understatement of the century. They explained to me what was going on and I knew that my baby girl needed me. I have never been a man of many words, nor am I the type of person who likes to show my emotions, but at this moment in time Belle needed me and I was going to be there for her, even if that meant showing emotion. I have to be honest and say that I was never a fan of Belle and Edward's relationship, and I couldn't tell you why that is. If they had had a more platonic relationship I think my views of him might be different. To me the relationship felt wrong and almost forced, I always wanted to take Belle and run far away from Edward as possible. Many people would chalk that up to being an over protective father, but deep down I knew that it was more than that. I'm sad to say that my gut feeling was right and now Belle had to pay the price for that. I don't think Edward ever physically abused Belle, but his controlling attitude was a form of mental and emotional abuse. It is not healthy for a girl to not be able to function without her boyfriend of only a few months; not healthy at all.

After Carlisle and Esme explained to me that Edward left and had the audacity to demand that the rest of the family leave as well, they suggested that I follow them to their house, where they said Belle would be. I really didn't care that she should be in school at the moment, because knowing her she wouldn't want to face her "friends" at school and explain what was going on. When I pulled in behind the Cullens and got out of my car, a sound that broke my heart into a million pieces greeted me. Belle was crying a mournful cry that could be heard all the way outside. I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I had never once set foot inside the house but my body knew instinctively where to go. I found Belle and held onto her for dear life.

3rd Person POV:

When Carlisle and Esme arrived with Charlie in tow, Belle's cries had them stopped in their tracks as Charlie raced up to Edward's now empty room. Esme had tears running down her face and Carlisle was shaking with anger and grief. Carlisle was instantly taken back to the time spent with Jack and guilt and sorrow just doubled. Jasper was having a hell of a time keeping it together, but was able to send out a wave of comfort to everyone in the house.

Charlie and Belle stayed up in Edward's room for a good hour before Belle finally fell asleep. Charlie continued to hold her and rocked her while she slept. How could anyone, let alone the man that claimed to love his little girl do this to her. Charlie knew from past experiences that Bella talked in her sleep, even more when she was upset, so it came as no surprise when she started to talk. What did come as a surprise is what Belle was talking about?

"Edward please don't leave me! I want to be a vampire like you and your family. I want to live with you all forever, please don't leave I'll do anything, just don't go!"

Vampires?! Charlie wasn't sure that he had heard correctly. Just as he decided to ask about it, Alice showed up with Jasper and spoke quietly to Charlie. "Charlie, Jasper will take Belle and put her in a bed. I think you have some questions for us and honestly I think that you deserve the answers."

Charlie didn't want to let Belle out of his sight, but he also knew something was up and by golly if he wasn't going to get the answers to his questions. He handed Belle over to Jasper, who carried her like she weighted nothing more than a feather, to another room. Something is definitely up, Charlie thought to himself. He followed Alice down to the living room and sat down and waited for the explanations to begin. He was quite nervous and for the second time since he had been at the Cullen house a wave of calm washed over him. What the hell is that, why aren't my emotions doing what they should be doing? He glanced around and noticed that Jasper, who had come down the stairs shortly after him, looked like he knew what Charlie was feeling. Charlie let it go for the moment, but he would ask Jasper about that later.

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