Chapter 12

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"Laurent, do you know if there is any way to get around Victoria's talent?" Jasper asked, the look on his face told everyone that he had an idea.

"In the years that I spent with her and James, I had never noticed a way around it. She always seemed to know when we were in danger; it saved our skins many times." Laurent said. "It seems like you might have a plan working in that strategical mind of yours. Why don't you share with the rest of the class?"

"I was thinking, what if, like Ali's gift, Victoria's was subjective? What if we went to find her with good intentions?" Jasper asked.

Emmett looked and felt a little pissed off at the idea of the others not going to kill the bitch, and he voiced his concerns. "Jasper! What the fuck man? The bitch must die. Why would you even think of going and talking to her? We all know that she is hell bent on killing Belle and anyone who gets in her way. SHE MUST DIE!"

"Emmett calm down. I'm not saying that we won't kill her, but I think that we should make it seem like we are going to go to her just to talk. Then we can take her by surprise and destroy her and any of her minions that will defend her." Jasper said, trying to get Emmett to see what his plan was.

Emmett looked a little confused at first but then as he ran Jasper's words through his mind, it started became clear. "Oh I get it. If you don't pose a threat to her, she won't feel like she is in danger and therefore won't get the urge to run. I get it now! Smart thinking, Major."

"You know it might just work." Laurent said. "We would all have to be in the mindset that we intend no harm. There is only one problem I can see with this plan. Can the wolves stay far enough back to allow us Vampires to get close enough to lure her into a false sense of security?"

Carlisle spoke next, "I think that we should have both Jake and Sam here so they can weigh in on this discussion. Rose will you please call Jake and ask him to bring Sam?"

Rose was already on the phone with Jake before Carlisle could finish his question and replied, "Jake said they will be here in ten minutes."

Not ten minutes later Jake and Sam were knocking on the front door, and Rose let them in.

"So what is this idea that Rosie was telling me about?" Jake said, going instantly to Rose's side.

Jasper looked to Sam and Jake and said, "We have an idea, but it will only work if you are in agreement, we hope. We are going to try and fool Victoria into thinking that all we want to do is talk to her. This means that we will need your packs to hang back a ways, until we can give you a signal. She mustn't think that we are there to harm her in anyway, if she gets any inkling that she is in danger, she will more than likely tuck tail and run. Can we count on you and your packs to follow this plan of action?"

Jake and Sam looked at each other and nodded. "You don't have to worry about our packs. If they are given an order they must follow them." Jake said. "We will order them to hang back and not think about destroying Red until you give us a signal. Just for clarification, what is the signal going to be?"

Alice chose to speak at this point and said, "I think that a subtle whistle, like a bird call should do." She proceeded to imitate a bird and everyone agreed that the noise should arise any suspicion in Victoria.

"Alright, so when you hear the bird call that will mean that you guys can come in and the fight is on. There is one other thing that we need to discuss, the newborns. I think that any newborn who doesn't want to fight we will give them the choice to be destroyed or we will find alternate living situations for them." Carlisle said. He wanted to have as few deaths as possible.

Jake and Sam looked like they were going to argue, but both agreed that if a newborn showed that they truly didn't want to fight they would round them up and stand guard until the fight was over. Sam who was just a little less enthused about the idea said, "If they make one move that I deem threatening, they will die."

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