Chapter 2

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Alice POV:

I'm glad that Carlisle told Edward not to have contact with Belle and if he was leaving. I saw the choice Edward had made about what to tell Belle. I couldn't be more ashamed to call him my brother. I wasn't sure that I wanted to share with the family, what Ass-ward planned on telling Belle, as it is now a moot point. Jasper felt my unsure emotions and sent me a wave of courage. They should know how badly Edward was going to hurt Belle. I knew that this was going to be a tough conversation and things might not go well, but they deserved to know. Truthfully I didn't want to have to carry this information around and have to keep it a secret, it would tear me up inside.

"Everyone, even you Rose" I knew she didn't go that far. "I would like to call a family meeting." I said in the most even voice that I could muster. Once everyone was sitting around the table I grasped Jasper's hand and took an unnecessary breath. "I wanted to tell you all what Edward planned on saying to Belle, and the dangerously stupid situation he would have put her in. Edward was so sure that we would cooperate with him and leaving when he said to." Snorts could be heard from everyone. "He was going to meet Belle after school and take her for a walk in the woods behind her house to tell her some horrible lies. He was going to tell her that she meant absolutely nothing to any of us, and that she was merely just a play thing. He would say that I, personally, only liked hanging around Belle because I felt sorry for her!" Growls. "He would go on to say that we were just bored, so we took up being friends with her for a distraction from our repetitive lives. He then explains that we never really loved her, and that it was merely her unique blood that called us to her." I had to take a breath again to center myself. I was truly getting upset. "These nasty lies would have torn our beautiful Belle apart."

Esme and Rosalie had tears flowing freely down their faces, and were sobbing. I wanted to join them but I needed to finish telling them about my vision. "After all of the hurtful things he would have said, he would have left her in the woods alone. Belle, being, Belle ran after him screaming at him to please change his mind and come back. She would have ended up getting lost and would have broken a bone or two. The wolves would have found her eventually, but at a horrible cost. Belle would have sunk into a deep depression. So bad in fact that both, Charlie and Renee wouldn't know what to do. They would have tried to hospitalize her. She would have refused and would end up killing herself." I could hardly speak the last words out loud, it hurt too much.

Everyone was stunned by my vision of "what-could-have-been". Everyone was shocked by the thought of Belle killing herself that no one breathed or moved for a good minute.

Suddenly..."THAT FUCKING BASTARD!" Screamed Rose, startling us all. "He would have been no better than Royce King and his slime ball friends." I have never seen Rosalie this pissed off before. "I may not have been one of Belle's biggest fans, but no one deserves that kind of bullshit. If Edward were still here I would dismember and burn him, for that.

I was suddenly thrust into a vision:

Rosalie and Belle shopping, laughing, and crying together.

Rosalie was teaching Belle how to work on cars and Belle really seemed to be enjoying herself.

After coming out of those happy visions I was hit with another vision.

Edward did locate Victoria, failing to fall for her tricks. He goes and tries to kill her on his own, but unbeknownst to him Victoria has made a companion and will be taken by surprise. Victoria and her companion will dismember and light him on fire.

"Edward! NO!" I screamed as I came out of the vision. "I have to make a call, NOW!"

I called Edwards cellphone but after two rings it went to voicemail. I didn't bother with a message, instead I texted him.

Don't go after Victoria alone. YOU. WILL. DIE - A

Fine, I won't. I'm tossing this phone now, I just want to be left alone. – E

Trust me Edward, no one here wants to talk to you at the moment. Just stay safe and come home soon. – A

Sure what-ever. Bye Alice – E

I "saw" Edward dump his phone into a trash can in a crowded city. I knew that once again Edward felt like he was in control.

Man he is such a bloody control freak.

When I returned to the dining room I said, "There is one last thing that we need to talk about before we go our separate ways tonight. We need to figure out how and what we are going to tell Belle in the morning. She is expecting Edward to pick her up for school like he would normally would do. I haven't "seen" anything, so I am hoping that talking about it will help spur a vision. The only thing that I know for sure, is that Belle is going to one broken woman."

I was surprised when Rose spoke shyly. "If everyone is okay with it, I would like to be the person to talk to Belle in the morning. We have more in common and Emmett can be there if it would make her more comfortable."

Just as I had hoped a vision came to me. I saw that it would be best if Rosalie went to pick Belle up without any of the other family members there. "How does everybody feel about playing hooky today?" I asked

Emmett looked really confused. "Why would we do that Alice? Doesn't Belle need us right now? Why would we just leave her alone right now?" Emmett said, his voice laced with concern.

"Em, I planned on Belle playing hooky with us, so we can be there for her." I said. "Carlisle and Esme, you should go to the police station and explain to Charlie about Edward leaving. This will show Charlie that we aren't going to abandon Belle. He will also be ready to handle any emotional outbursts that Belle might have. I can see him comforting Belle in Edward's room. This is will bring Charlie and us closer together."

Carlisle asked if there was anything that anyone would like to add, nobody did. "Alright then, I'll call the hospital and take the day off. Esme and I will go speak with Charlie at the station." Carlisle said. He turned to me and asked, "Are you going to be the one to pick Belle up in the morning?"

"I wanted to, but I saw it would be better if Rose picks her up." I said.

Rose looked a little apprehensive about being the one to pick Belle up. "Alice, she won't even want to get in the car with me. She thinks that I hate her." Rose said.

This is the first time that I have ever seen this vulnerable side of Rose. To be honest it was a little strange for me. Rose has always been the in-your-face bitch, who didn't care what others thought about her.

"Rose, she will get in the car and she will put a brave face on, because honestly she is scared of you. You really haven't given her any reason to not be. This short car trip will bring you two together. You will find that you guys may have a lot more in common than you think." I said trying to reassure Rose as best as I could. I knew that Rose didn't hate Belle, but the choice that she was going to make. "You may not agree with her choice to join eternal "damnation" now, but I think that you will realize that Belle was born to be a vampire. She is way more mature than most people her age, and she really has more worldly knowledge than most adult humans. If you give her a chance I think that you will see that she is going to be a great sister and friend to you." I knew that Rose didn't really want to believe me, but she has learned through-out the years not to doubt me and my abilities.

With nothing else to add we ended the family meeting and we our separate ways to come to terms with the drastic change that is about to happen and Edward leaving us.

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