Chapter 9

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"Belle, you were asking about Rose and Emmett's relationship." Alice said. "You should know that until today, Jasper and I were the only True Mates in the family. The others are still waiting to find theirs. They have found people that they love, yes, but they aren't soul mates."

Belle could hardly believe what she was hearing. To her Carlisle and Esme seemed like the poster children for what real love meant. They seemed like they were perfect spouses and perfect parents, something her own parents never were. WOW, Belle thought, she could see how Rose and Emmett weren't really meant to be True Mates; they were just way too different. Rose, well she is a bitch and depressed. Whereas Emmett was really a huge teddy bear that could have you in stitches but also could be serious if needed. It never seemed like it was a good combination, and Belle wondered how they managed to stay together for so long.

"Has a Vampire ever not found their True Mate?" Bella asked, knowing her luck she would be that loveless Vampire.

"Yes, there many a Vampire who never find their True Mates. They end up settling for just a Mate, much like a human would do." Carlisle said. "All of us, who are just mated, understand that one day one of us may find our True Mate and the bonds between them will sever. Not that they will no longer feel anything towards each other, it's just the love they felt will change to that of friends, or in our case familial."

"Do you think that Edward is my True Mate?" Belle asked.

Esme gave Belle a sad smile. "No honey we don't. Carlisle and I have talked about it and we have come to the conclusion that he just couldn't possibly mean to be the One for you. True Mates can't be apart from each other for any extended period of time without having to endure physical and mental pain. The most time a True Mated pair can be a part is only a couple of hours, and that still is supposed to be very painful. The Volturi has used the True Mating bond against Vampires they wish to have in their ranks or to keep in their ranks. Marcus is a prime example of that. His True Mate was Aro's sister, and they wanted to run off and live their own lives. When Aro found out, he killed his own sister and used another Vampire to keep Marcus by his side. Marcus is no longer a whole man, he literally has gone insane. I hope that you never have to see him for yourself, but if you do you would notice that he is very despondent and would much rather be dead so he could join his love once more. It really is a sad thing to see, it broke my heart when I saw him."

Belle couldn't fathom anybody living in eternal sorrow like that, and knew that this Aro was really a nasty person. She silently vowed to herself that if one day she could do something to help Marcus out she would do everything in her power to do so. She thought Aro sounded a lot like Edward in many ways. Controlling and only looking out for one person, himself. What an asshole.

"Hey Belle," Emmett said "When you do find your True Mate, cause we know you will, any emotions that you have towards Ass-ward will disappear. Isn't that great? You won't even care that he abandoned us."

Rose's hand slapped the back of Emmett's head so hard that small cracks formed. "Emmett, could you be any more tactless." Esme scolded.

"Ouch Rose, that really hurt. I was only trying to make Belle feel better. I hate seeing her upset for any reason. I love her and always want to see the beautiful smile she has on her face." Emmett said down cast.

Jasper looked confused at the emotions emanating from Emmett, but instead of saying anything he just shook his head as if to clear it. Everyone in the yard was shocked at Emmett's admission, and Carlisle noticed that Jasper seemed to sense something.

"Jasper? Wha...." Carlisle was interrupted by a sharp intake of breath coming from Alice.

Jasper ran to her side and waited for her to come out of her vision. When Alice came back to reality she looked positively happy, but slightly confused. "Really? Now this is really interesting." She turned to Belle and asked, "Do you feel a strange pulling sensation in your chest Belle?"

Belle looked confuse for a second but answered anyways. "Actually yes I do. I have always kind of had it but I just brushed it off several months ago."

Alice was bouncing up and down. "Please follow that pull."

Belle did as she was told and stopped right in front of Emmett. "The pulling sensation stops right here."

Now everyone besides Alice was confused. Esme was the first to come out of her confusion haze and asked, rather impatiently, "Alice, just what is going on?"

"Everyone please just wait a second, thing will be a whole lot clearer if Belle looks into Emmett's eyes." Alice said still bouncing with excitement.

Belle sighed and said "Alice please stop bouncing around like an out of control vibrator." Everyone chuckled and Charlie looked absolutely mortified that his daughter knew what that was.

Belle raised her eyes to meet Emmett's honey colored ones, and she felt her world start to shift. All feelings of sadness about Edward leaving was gone in an instant and were replaced by feelings of love for the massive Vampire in front of her. Emmett was smiling because he too felt his world shift and knew that he couldn't live without the small little human that was standing in front of him. He just wanted to gather her up in his big strong arms and hold her and never let her go. Suddenly everything seemed right in Bella and Emmett's world.

Every single person in the yard gasped in amazement, for they understood what just happened.

Belle, who was never one for self-confidence, needed to have her suspicions confirmed. "Alice, did what I think just happen, really happen?" Belle asked never taking her eyes off of Emmett.

"Belle, you silly girl of course it did. You have found your True Mate. He has been here all along." Alice said absolutely beaming with happiness for her best friend.

"Wait just a second!" Rose said. This brought everyone out of the happy haze they were in. Belle mistook Rose's words for a negative reaction to the Mating Bond that just occurred. Belle visible flinched away from Rose and prepared herself to be attacked. Rose realized what Belle was thinking and was quick to respond calmly. "Belle, you misunderstand me. I am very happy for both you and Emmett. You have found the most amazing kind of love that God has created. What I want to know is why they didn't connect before now. It sure would have saved all of us, but mostly Belle, a lot of heartache."

"My guess is that Belle and Emmett never really looked into each others eyes, not that they ever had the opportunity." Alice said.

Belle was still reeling from Rose's statement and asked softly, "Rose you really aren't mad about this?"

"Why would I be mad at you? My sister has found the love that she so rightly deserves. I don't know how I can impress upon you how much you really do mean to me." Rose said. She knew that she had hurt Belle in the past, but not to this point.

Suddenly Belle had Rose in a tight embrace, which startled everyone who was there to witness. "You just did, Rose. You called me your sister, and you of all people wouldn't have said that if you didn't mean it. I love you like a sister too Rose, and I hope that we can let the past go and move forward together."

Emmett, who had yet to take his eyes off Belle, said "She's mine? This beautiful, smart, and quick witted creature was made for me?" Emmett had always had special feelings towards Belle, but always assumed it was just brotherly. Now that he thought about it, he felt the pull, but thought nothing of it.

Hearing Emmett's compliments had Belle blushing tomato red. Belle moved back over to Emmett, who gathered her into his massive arms. Everyone noticed how their bodies seemed to fit together like God made them from the same mold. Who knows maybe he did.

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